An Awful Lot of Running

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See? She's not gone for long! :D


Everything was gold. Gold in her head, gold in her fingers, gold in her stomach, gold in her hearts -

With a gasp, Jenny woke up, her sugar brown eyes shooting open. She blinked, then looked up at Cline and a Hath, both of them staring at her, stunned. "Hello, boys," she greeted crisply before swinging her legs off the side of the table she'd been lying on.

"But," Cline sputtered as Jenny strode over to an abandoned table, looking over the equipment available. "But - !"

"Quiet," Jenny ordered before finding a handheld gun to strap to her waist, then took a machine gun as well. "Bye."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" Cline ran after her.

Jenny simply ran through the camp, taking the same route she and her mum had taken through the tunnels. She ran up into the ship, looking around, before finding what she was looking for. She slapped the controls, and she entered the shuttle, dropping her machine gun in one of the seats.

"Jenny?" Cline's voice came over the comms as she sat down in the pilot's seat, flipping switches she shouldn't have known about. "What're you doing? Come back!"

"Sorry, can't stop," Jenny shook her head, determined to get out there in the real world. Her mum had been right. She was a Time Lady now. She had knowledge in her head, and knowledge the Apocalypse had told her about. No way was she going to stop when she was determined not to. "What're you going to do, tell my mum?" she mocked.

"But where are you going?" Cline insisted.

"Oh, I've got the whole universe, maybe more," Jenny smirked as the shuttle took off, and she started piloting. "Planets to save, civilizations to rescue, creatures to defeat, an awful lot of running to do . . . " She smirked. "And an aunt to bring back to mum."

When Donna had said she was impossible, the Apocalypse had countered with 'just a bit unlikely.' Jenny hadn't known anything impossible yet. So what if her aunt Rose apparently couldn't be brought back?

She hadn't tried yet . . . and she was going to try until she succeeded. And that made her laugh in glee as her shuttle took off into the stars.


We'll just need to see if our dearest Jenny accomplishes that. ;)

The new question to be answered in the epilogue of this is . . . who am I going to save during "Children of Earth?" Yep, I'll be doing that entire Torchwood arc, with the Apocalypse joining in. So many people died that could have survived! Clem would have, Steven shouldn't have died, Frobisher committed suicide . . . and don't get me started on Ianto! At least someone is going to be saved. That's the question I'll answer . . . who will it be?

But, as you saw at the end of "The Apocalypse's Daughter," Jack has agreed to go off with Caly again, but she's got to get him first, doesn't she? Hehe, I have been waiting a looong time for this. :)

The Torchwood crossover, "Exit Wounds," will be coming up after everything else gets updated! WOOT! I will share the comments goal with you guys then. :)

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