Chap. 2

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De pov.
Its finally graduation time, by the way were wearing the outfits above, to our graduation

Jojo-girls u ready

Reina- yeah after someone zips me up

De-i got u, im ready

Sara-one sec lip gloss touch up, K ready to Go

So we were walking were about to walk into auditorium and the stop us and Roc instantly Pins De, big mistake, she is an assassin, with spy training

De-*beat him down and is now about to brake his arm* Df were u doing *realises who it is* Oh srry *lets him go*

Roc-Damn ma, u almost killed a nigga

De-thats what im trained todo idiot *straighten out her dress* Girls lets go

So me and the girls walked in and took our seats

Roc pov.
That was kinda hot when De attacked me, tbh her in that dress was making me hot,Shit

Ray pov.
Jojo and De r pretty hot i might need to hit that before we leave

Ray-bruh get a bathroom nigga

Roc-shut up *walks to bathroom*

Star-I swear hes addicted to sex

Prince-ur telling me, i was he's doormate remember

Jordan pov
Ok they bout to announce who graduated oooooooh I can't wait. But I really need to pee. I'm bout to leave the girls tho to do that. Okay so I'm walking in the hallway and go in the bathroom and use it of course. Then I walked out (An she washed her hands) and it felt like something or one was following me ...... man I hop it not that ray kid.

???: *pin me down* hey baby

Me: *-_-* what do u want

???: o kiss

Me: hell no

???: y not

Me: because u cheated on me

???: in sorry I wasn't trying to

Me: what ever *push him and walk away*

I get back in the room and sit down next to sara....we all in there and I seen all the boys walk in with that girl. But they need to hurry up and start.

Ring ring ring

Dr.ex: hey kids, some of yall no me, most of yall don't but let not wonder who I am let graduate.

Croud: yeah

Dr.ex: destiny, sara, and Reina, yall graduate, also groups C, F, K, and L

Me: good job

De: what bout jordan

Dr.ex: oh what about she ant going to graduate

Sara: y no

Dr.ex: cause she broke my son heart *listening through ear piece*

Me: OMG HE CHEATED ON ME u no what

Boys and star: what

I took out some paper and put it in a ball. Then I flicked it at ??? He fell off stage. After that I walked up to dr.ex

Dr.ex: ummmm *nervously* u graduate

Me: good let's go girls

The girls don't no I but I can do a lot more then them cause my sister should me thing that if anybody out side the family try the would die. But let me get all the girls ready for our frist mission

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