chapter 11

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Jordan pov
I woke up in a chair and not even the same house man this is weird. I was bout to brake the chair in till I seen my legs bleeding from the chains. Omg who did this

???: u awake gid cause now u mine *kiss me*

Me: jacob stop

Who am i gonna get out of this THE RING, weres the ring De gave me *feels on her fingers and finds it and brakes the rope but keeps her hands behind to chair and holds the rope* YESSS thank u De

Roc pov.
WHERE DF IS DE, AND JOJO they have been missing sence last night and ever sence Sara and Reina r on high Spy alert star touched saras shoulder by accident reaching for the remote and sara almost ripped her head off, Oh i bet ur wondering who me and Roc left Jojo well what happened wass


Roc-Ur fucking petty, If she don't want u do like i did and move df on, After i found out De had a boyfriend

Prince-Jojo's Different u cant let her go

Roc-But u have to now back df off

Prince-Not till i have her

Roc-thats it *Tackles Prince and that start fight and fighting till the were out the room*

----flashback over-----
THATS ALL i remember and when i got back to the room she wasn't there wr checked everywhere then we waited till De got back and she never did till diggy bust threw the door yelling IS DESTINY HERE, he told us she took that girl to the locker room and never came back and when he checked there was no sign of her and our mission with that brat has been assigned to some new bee's thank god

Diggy-Where are they, Where's my baby and my sister


Diggy-I condider Jojo my sister


De pov.
I am pissed to a whole nother level, This is Bullshit my brother that raped me and My boyfriend, Well my brother is my foster brother

???-Hey i bet ur wondering how i met Diggy

De-Why df not, Im in a fucking cage



???-Well i was on that four month mission and he wouldnt hook up with anybody so i asked him y he isnt hooking up with anybody and he said and i quote "I have a fine younger girlfriend at home and i really dont wanna mess that up and i kinda work better when i get nun its really weird" and we started talking and he explained u and i asked him ur name and he told me ur name and i told him i was ur long lost brother and than i came up with a plan of so sorts and i messed his brain up hes one of my mindless drones almost i just need one more thing take this real quick *holds up a pill*

De- Is that ecstasy


De-Hell naw

???-I said take it

De-Sounds familiar

???-Will u let that go u see should take it as a compliment, I said it before i started ur to fine to be my sister

De-*mumbles* cause ur not my blood brother

???-U think i didn't know that already thats y, we had sex


???-U liked it

I did uhhh.

De-Not true, And how did u fnd out

???-I was going through some drawers and found some adoption papers and i got nosey and then i saw my name and was hurt, also found out u weren't a virgin when i ready a note ur boyfriend sent u


Jojo pov.
I was sitting there waiting for him to leave and he finally did and i used the ring de gave me to pop the lock on these damn chains and walked beside the door and as soon as i did he walked through the door and i knocked him out and tied his hands and legs to the chair and left to go home and when i got home



Sara- JORDAN *hugs Jojo*

Ray-Where were u

Jojo-I was kidnapped by jacob and Weres De


Diggy- umm she was kidnapped at the dance

Jojo-What she's the resizen im here right now

Reina-Ring *puts up hand *

Sara-*put up hand*

Jojo-*put up hand*

Reina-De got us these rings if we were ever in trouble and the took out weponds *trying not to cry* De were is she

(A/n- the rings are above)

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