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A/N -
Not sure why I wrote this, or what it could ever be for. But I thought I'd share it anyway! Please vote and comment your thoughts!

Not all haunted places are houses. Some lie inside of us - in our thoughts, our emotions, our dreams. Nothing is born haunted, we do it to ourselves; we create the demons, the ones we try to hide. It doesn't matter what caused them, or how we are because of them. What matters is how well we manage to hide them, from everyone, even the ones closest to us. Because, sometimes, it's the ones closest to us that hurt us the most.

We never intended to feel this way, striving to find the light side, unable to escape the dark. Trapped, suffocated by the people surrounding us, their intentions unclear. Whether they are there to help us or harm us, it makes no difference. People that get close to us always run away, or think they are helping when they are not; they don't understand. They just don't understand.

The pain in our chests. The ache in our hearts. The bags under our eyes. The tears on our faces and smiles still plastered on them. The constant headaches that make our heads pound - stressing, worrying, overthinking, lack of sleep - and we struggle to concentrate.

The emotions compile into one; we can't separate one from another, we dot know what to do. Lost. Utterly lost as little things become large things, the anxiety growing. The airways becoming choked as we fight back those tears.

Not here.

Not now.


We keep it in, we lock it away. The rising threat of sobs doesn't deter us as we continue like it's a normal day. It a normal day. Normalcy is crying. Normalcy is stressing. It's knowing exactly how we feel but we can't describe it, we can't find the words to explain it - to show you. You must never know.

No one can see who we really are. We, are the haunted.

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