The Moment I Knew

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The Moment I Knew - Story Competition Entry for Wattpad Weekly Contests.

A/N -
This is my first ever competition entry and I'm pretty sure it will be awful, especially since it's a little rushed - wrote in 20 minutes - but I wanted to try my luck and see! Please don't laugh at it, but constructive criticism is always welcomed! Thank you!

Rain splashed the already waterlogged dirt track, it's unrelenting patter making it impossible to get a grip on the slippery path. The mud squelched under my filthy, worn shoes, leaving large footprints behind me. The sky was completely grey, clouds coating it, not even the glimpse of a blue patch among the charcoal. Harsh winds howled across the walkway and the trees either side, making their limbs dance in the rain. Amber foliage floated down around, a shower of nature's confetti landing on my clothes. I shivered as I walked, the bitter cold of the wind and drizzle defeating my thin jacket, leaving me frozen inside.

My hair was matted and soaked, and droplets of water continually leaked from my dark fringe into my eyes. I blinked them away as I struggled to make out my surroundings, car lights and traffic noise diminishing my concentration. Distracted, I stumbled forward, my mind wandering elsewhere. I dug my heel into the drenched ground and steadied myself.

My home, a small, cheaply priced apartment, was a mere twenty minutes walk from here now, it wouldn't take too long. I was already wet through, I could be walking for hours for all the difference it would make. I thought of the warm shower I could take, and the hot chocolate I could make. The only good things about brisk days, the delicacies I could indulge in, to cheer myself up.

These thoughts were abruptly stopped as someone shoved past me, knocking me into the ground. Mud filled my mouth and I spat disgustedly, ready to give my 'attacker' a piece of my mind. I stood quickly to my feet, cursing annoyance.

I had barely stood when three more figures hurtled past me, knocking into me again. They were wearing the traditional navy blue and dark green uniforms, showing that they were the police. I wasn't about to argue with them.

The first figure, however, that was a different story.

"Hey!" I yelled at the hooded figure, my fists waving in the air, with their boot prints several metres ahead, tearing up turf as they ran; they weren't looking at me.

The figure stopped, turning around to face me. The hood fell back, revealing a woman. I gasped, awe struck. She was beautiful - dark brown hair with dyed blue flecked tips, which perfectly complimented her deep blue eyes. They sparkled with mischief, her lips drawn up in a cocky half smile.

"Me?" She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.

"Yeah you!" I yelled, though my voice faltered, still entranced by her eyes.

"What?" She asked sweetly, not seeming to care that three policemen were catching her up.

"What do you think you're doing, crashing into me like that?" I asked her questioningly, my voice becoming smaller by the second.

"My bad, oopsy!" Her eyes glinted in the half light, sparkling with adventure and a light humour. "Look," she stated flatly, the police offices mere steps from her, "can you drive one of these?" She pointed to the motorbike a few more paces forwards.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I can!" I replied back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then get on now and drive!" She yelled quickly, kicking mud upwards at the police. It sprayed everywhere, landing in their hair, clothes, and most importantly, eyes. Screaming in fury, and probably a bit of pain, the figures stopped their advance.

I ran towards the girl, and the bike, and leapt on, not caring at this point that it wasn't even mine. I never even wondered why she was running, or what she had done. The girl got on behind me, her arms clenching around my stomach.

"Go!" She yelled into my ear. I was startled, snapping out of my trance, and pushing the Automatic Start button on the handlebar.

The engine roared to life, the back wheel spinning with traction, until it sped onto the main road. Swerving to avoid cars and ignoring the red lights, we shot off down the high street. I turned momentarily back to look at the girl - the wind blowing her hair away from her face, her glittering eyes with pride in their success.

Our eyes locked and that moment seemed infinite.

I signed in relish of the memories, turning to face my wife.

Her sparkling blue eyes stared into mine, searching for the truth.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Of course I'm sure," I grin widely, "that was exactly the moment I knew I would marry you!"

A/N -

So this is my entry, what do you think??

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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