My Answer is You

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My Answer is You


"Can I request someone to go here on stage to dedicate the song we will sing?" I asked the audience.

That day was the battle of the bands of our school; I searched for someone to offer the song I will sing.

Many girls raised their hands just for them to be called, suddenly; a cute girl standing caught my attention. She have a fair complexion, shining eyes, wearing a simple attire, not that tall but just enough for me, she's cute and I admit it.

"You." I pointed my finger towards her to inform her she's the one I' am requesting on stage.

She looked to her left and right doubting and making herself believe that she wasn't the one I' am referring to.

I have felt the connection, my heart beats, starting from being calm to I do not know how to describe because of uneasiness I feel.

She pointed herself doubting that she's really the one.

"Ahaha, yes miss, you." I once again pointed my finger towards her direction.

Her friend pushed her, making her almost tripped.

Poor kid, she looked lame but while she was walking towards the stage, her face, little by little was filled with colors and life.

I offered my hand to assist her to the chair on the middle of the stage. I held her hand and started to sing the song. Many thoughts were randomly produced while singing the song and honestly I almost lost my sane after seeing her eyes were pasted in me. I felt like she's checking my body inside and out exposing my everything and I just ignored it for me not to be distracted.

You are my everything...

I hope she's drowning because of the song - please reach her heart, I prayed. That was the first time I've felt almost dying because of the beating of my heart - she made me feel the love once more that I almost forgot how to feel it again.

Days have passed I' am not seeing her, I have made my research about her and the information I have collected didn't disappoint me.

I got to know her name, her birthday, all the basic information I need to know.

Every day that God has made was a diamond for me; she's part of my fans club and I' am thankful for her existence. She always gave me the courage to sing in front of the crowd, she's there every time we have gigs. I can hear lot of great things about her and all of those made me flattered like heaven. I always pray and hope that she's the one for me. I actually do not have the courage to say what I feel for her - I' am useless, worthless all the less on earth I' am actually possessing. Every time I see her, I just smile, I smile to the fullest and I hope she can feel the happiness I feel every time I see her.

One day I saw her standing at the corridor, why was she standing? It was like she's searching for someone and that made me curious.

"Aigoo, I don't think I can do this?!" I heard her speak.

"You can do it! Fighting!" I encouraged her.

She turned around looks like my presence was unexpected. Her eyes widen looked like she have seen a horror creature in front of her and I hate it. I saw a pink envelop on her hands, which made me torn into pieces, she will tell someone her feelings. All the things I have done to know her more will be worthless. To hide my bitter expression, I pasted a fake smile.

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