ONE: Getting Kidnapped.

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Copyright Mystery_Enchanted. All Rights Reserved 2013


Please read ahead at your own risk. I'm in the middle of re-writing these 6 chapters with the same plot but slightly different scenes. You sure can read ahead but you'll have to re-read when I replace these chapters with the revised ones. If you want me to notify you when I'm done with my re-writing and editing, please tell me so via PM and I'll be sure to message you back the moment I'm done with it and start updating again. Thank you!

ONE: Getting Kidnapped.


My heart slammed against the ribcage, adrenaline coursing through my body.

Man, I must look like a pregnant lady in labor.

All humor dissipated away when a swift breeze tickled my skin, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up in Army position. Leaves swished around my feet as the wind blew a really nasty version of ominous air music. My feet walked twice the previous speed the moment I felt a presence behind me. The road ahead was deserted and dark; lit by a few flickering streetlamps.

Wow, just the perfect setting for a brutal crime.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

The presence I felt behind my body wasn't just a figment of my overactive imagination, because soon I was able to hear the faint sound of paper being dragged on cemented road, light footsteps following me.

Panicked, my pace quickened as I fast-walked and rounded a corner. With my back against the wall of some rundown building, I peeked over the bricks lined behind me and to the left.

What greeted my sight was not even the slightest bit close to my expectations of a rapist, serial killer or junkie.

Coming out from my hiding from behind the wall I glared at the thing responsible for my almost-panic-attack.

An average sized labrador with a dishevelled dusky fur coat and the exact definition of puppy dog eyes.

Putting a hand over my heart, I made a mental note in my head.

No more Criminal Minds on homework-less nights.

The cute little thing looked up at me. I almost laughed at  myself for being so delusional  when a dusty piece of newspaper stuck to the bottom of it's paw caught my attention.

"You don't scare me big boy." I announced proudly.

Slow wet drops poked my face as I began walking away from my supposed kidnapper in search of a bus stop. When the rain drops started crashing down in an unstoppable fashion, I pulled my jacket close to my shivering body, mentally kicking myself for leaving the windsheater back at home.

Where the fudge do all bus stops go when you actually need them?

Annoyed at the sparkly vision my glasses gave me, I took them off, shoving the optical aid in my pocket.

This day just couldn't get any worse.

I regretted the thought just a few seconds later when the sight of a man clad in jeans and a dark hoodie graced my eyes.


Don't look up, don't look up, don't look up.

The chant was on repeat in my brain while I kept my head low, looking at my now wet shoes as I tried to walk past him unharmed.

By gods' grace, my ears picked up on voices coming from an alley on the right hand side.

Maybe these people could help me?

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