Chapter 2: Trio

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Frost's POV

I woke at the sound of Azbis yawning. He was looking at something. I pick myself up first grooming my paw then I walked over to Azbis and nudged is fur. He gave me a kind look and he said, "Sedka heard something and ran into the woods, he told me to watch for anything, He signed then groomed his neck." I nuzzled him to assure him that everything was alright. He gave me a gazed look. I will go down to lake Sacrid to get some fish, alright.. He nodded and went back to watching the dark, empty woods. I slowly walked down the edge and slowly slid down the hill as I walked towards the lake.

Sedka's POV:

I ran through the forest. Stepping on tree branches as I ran past. I saw something as the sun awoken. I had to know what it was so I can protect me pack. I have to. I want to be strong, I have to take on tough tasks sometimes, the elder told me that a while back. It's my code and I have to abide by it. To make my family proud. I passed and dodged trees. As I was dashing though the forest I saw a opening. I surveyed my surroundings and slowly crept in. I saw a pond. It was very beautiful. The stunning light from the sun. The lily pads drifting in the pond and a huge true with tons of colorful leaves. And in the stunning light and radiance of a white as snow, bright as the moon and as beautiful as heaven. She stared deeply into my eyes as I saw her bright blue eyes. She looked afraid and very fragile. She was lovely. I bowed and laid on the bright grass. She tilted her head. I think she wanted to play? I slowly came over but not to close. She stepped back, I think she was scared. But she ran away. I felt as my heart dropped. I really wanted to play.. I wandered over to the pond and took a lick of the clear blue water. Tastes like a dream. It's strange this was here. I never knew, was this always this beautiful here? To my surprise the beautiful white wolf came back white a stick in her mouth. She nodded playfully. And I walked over to the tree and I hid behind it suggesting to her to play chase and hide. That's what my siblings and I played all the time. She jumped up and down and ran into the woods. I ran after her. She ran as the speed of lightning. I only could see her by her radiant coat and big, fluffy tail. She was great. After a while I ran into her. We layed beside the tree. She nudged me and sighed. I nuzzled her. She said, "my group needs me back, but can we meet her after the lowering of the light?" I nodded and said that was fine. We nodded once again and she ran off into the misty woods. I sighed, I didn't even get her name. I realized and my heart dropped one again. I need to get back to the mountain side, they're probably worried sick about me. Dammit. I made my way back through my tracks to find my friends. The sun was setting. I continued to run and found my home. Azbis and Frost ran towards me. They continued saying how they were deathly worried and I just simply said, I'm sorry. I didn't bother explaining. They would have been upset that I played with a girl wolf of a other group. She was friendly. I went up to the mountain top, my friends at my side. We laid in a circle. Azbis always was asleep alone but me and Frost nuzzle up to each other. I signed and yawned. She nuzzled up to me and said, "I was very worried about you. If you never came back, I could see tears forming in her bright brown eyes. I nuzzled and gave her a understanding look. She and I both fell asleep as we looked into the stars.

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