Chapter 3: Lowering

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Azbis POV:

I awoke as the morning sun arose above the horizon, I then arose my body up and nudged Frost and Sedka to wake up. Frost remained sleeping while Sedka yawned then woke up. I ordered Sedka to snatch up some food for the Lowering of the light tonight. I used to celebrate this with my family until.. Well anyway Sedka nodded and went into the woods. I then nudged Frost. After a couple grunts and a yawn she finally awoke. She gave me a sigh. She laid back down. I asked what's the matter. She simply responded with a in pain expression and lifted her paw. I saw a huge red gash in her paw. I ran down stream and toke a huge gulp of water and ran up stream and opened my mouth and let the water soak into the wound. She then signed. I asked what happened. She said that when she was fishing a giant, pointy rock hit her right under the paw. I signed and got some leaves and laid it on top of the wound. She laid there as I went to get some tree sap to put on the wound to heal it. As a cub I remember the med wolf healed a wound on my stomach using tree sap. It hurt but it was very helpful. Anyway I'm not sure how to get it but I climbed the tree and looked around. I saw some and carefully collecting it with my tongue. I ran over and rubbed it on. She squealed for a second but she then signed and said, thank you. I nodded and told her to wait there. Till it stops hurting. She nodded and rested her head. I walked over to the woods and saw Sedka wondering around. He saw me and nodded. I as well returned the gesture. He was chasing a beaver, then a rabbit, then a owl. It was quite amusing watching him chase after it. I had a quick chuckle than walked up to Frost. She grinned at me and I smiled back. She asked me, "how did you know tree sap was a good medicine?" I explained that a wise elder used the tree sap on a wound. She then said, "wow very smart, and thank you." I nodded and said she is good to go. She smiled and limped down to get some fish for the Lowering of the light. The lowering of the night is in which the "wise wolf goddess, Lath lowers the light for 1 night and 1 day to say that winters is arriving" I remember celebrating with my mother, my father hated the lowering of the light because he hated the winter time. In my mind I love the winter. Then Sedka came dragging a white tailed deer. Pretty large sized, good work I said starring at the huge piece of lifeless meat, I said as I licked my lips. Frost came over and seemed pleased by the meal. Sedka told me to go and get the elk with the help of Frost. I nodded and Frost and I walked over and with our sharp teeth we grabbed the lifeless meat of the massive elk, as we carried the elk Sedka came over and assisted us with the carrying. We all carried the massive meaty elk to the top of the ledge were we sleep and dropped it by the deer. We both panted a little and layed beside the massive meat stock that Sedka gave us. We set up for the feast. Frost brought some Perch from the river and a salmon. We layed down and ate, it was so tender, the rich juicy meat filled me. It was delicious, I haven't felt any meat between my teeth for a while. This moment was great. Sedka ate a lot. (A perch and a huge chuck of the elk to be exact.) Frost and I had a decent amount to fill us up. We carried the leftover meat to the edge. Then Sedka, Frost and I laid on the mountain and watched the sun slight dim, the lowering of the light felt like home but with my friends as my family. Sedka and Frost nuzzled against each other while I laid there and looked at the dim sky. It was a pleasant sight to see my friends and the sky. As the sun to a nap... so did we. Frost gazed to sleep, shortly following me.

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