Chapter 1

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"I'm home!" I called as I walked in the door.

"Hey Renesmee. Did you have fun?" My mom walked into the entrance hall.

"We always do! Just played some baseball."

"Of course..." She teased. My mom walked off into the kitchen. It smelt like Dad was cooking something delicious for my dinner.

Today, Jake and I played catch in our special spot in the woods. We do this three or four times a week; it's our favourite thing to do together. We could throw that baseball back and forth for hours and never get bored. It's very entertaining; Jacob is in his wolf form and never misses my fast throws. And he always tries to give me a complicated pass, like up a huge tree or down the lake... but I never let it go. We've gotten really good, working as a team.

"Nessie, hun, your dinner is ready!" Father called.

I put my bag down and strolled into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. My dad made lasagna, my favourite dish. I prefer to drink animal blood, but my parents say it's healthy to have some food too. I feel better if I have both in my system, anyways.

"Did Jacob mention anything about our birthday bonfire party this Saturday?" Mom asked.

Today is September 7th, which means my birthday is on Saturday. My mum's is next Tuesday, so we're all having a joint party. Technically it'll be my sixth birthday, but my family says I'm about 17. And in three days I'll be turning 18!

Age has always been a complicated thing for me. I grow physically and mentally a lot quicker than humans, so it's difficult to determine my appropriate age. But my aging has slowed down much more now, and my parents say I'll stop growing when I'm about a 20-year-old.

"Yeah, he said it's still on. Down at La Push. There's a fair or something downtown, so nobody should be down there." I mumbled.

"Sounds good. Tell him we'll bring some drinks, okay?"

"Alright." Not like our side will drink any of it. But we are all well aware of how much the wolves consume... it's crazy. "Oh, and he told me to let Alice and Jasper know too. Grandpa and Grandma are coming... do you know when Auntie Rose and Uncle E will get back?"

"They'll be vacationing in Mexico until next Tuesday, unfortunately. So they won't be there." Dad said. "But they said they have a special treat for you..." He winked at me.

I smirked. Oh joy, more presents. I'm spoiled enough as it is. My family has a large amount of saved money from over the years, so naturally they enjoy spending it on their only child. I can't complain, of course. But sometimes it gets... out of hand. Also, my Auntie Alice loves taking me shopping for new clothes, accessories, cars... you name it. Sometimes I wish I could get a job; make my own money. But my parents won't let me. They say it could be dangerous and unnecessary.

As I finished up my meal, my mom started heading out the door.

"Where are you going?" I wondered aloud.

"Esme, Alice and I have organized a small hunting trip for this evening. You don't want to come, do you?" She responded.

"No, I'm okay." I think I'll read a book or something.

"Dinner has great dad, thanks." I hugged my father and kissed him on the cheek. I gave him my hand, and showed him what I was going to read. Sometimes I do that instead of speaking; it's just easier to use my little talent.

"Ahh.." he sighed, "Enjoy that one, darling. It's a great read." The book is the Huckleberry Finn story he had passed down to me.

I washed my plate in the sink then skipped down the hall to my bedroom, not before grabbing my bag from the entrance. I jumped on my comfortable bed, and pulled out the old book.

I read the book about half-way before starting to feel drowsy. I decided that it was time for bed. So I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I looked into the mirror. I defintely look tired. My brown eyes had some redness to them, and my hair looked a bit messy after playing in the woods this afternoon. I got into my PJ's, combed through my hair, and went straight back to my bed. I felt completely beat, but once I snuggled into my covers and tried to sleep, I discovered that I couldn't stop thinking.

I thought about my day. Today had been fun, hanging out with Jacob. Before baseball, we had gone down to this little pond we found, and talked by the water. I can talk to him about anything, and vise-versa. Now that I'm getting older, we can have deeper conversations. And he finds my special ability to be fascinating; so we play around with that a lot. After our pond visit, we headed down to this meadow that my Dad had shown us. He says that it was his and mom's special spot. So that's where we always play catch; and that we did.

Like I said; there's never a dull moment with Jake. We've been the bestest friends ever since he imprinted on me - which is like, since I was born - and we can't stay away from each other. But it has always been a pretty platonic relationship. Although we're both aware of the whole 'we are meant for each other' thing, it doesn't really comes up too often. Sometimes my parents give us this look, like they're waiting for us to start making out or something. And I've heard Jacob talking to them about me a couple times. But I've always been a pretty awkward person - I think I get my awkwardness from my mum - especially with relationships. So I don't think I'd never mention anything like that to Jake. It'll just happen when it happens, I guess. And I can't stay that I'm not... looking forward to it.

As I kept thinking about Jacob and our day, I started to doze off.

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