Chapter 9

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"Should I be worried?" Jake asked me from the drivers seat.

He had turned the car around, taking me to my grandma and grandpas house. I texted my uncle back, telling him that I was on my way - to my dissapointment.

"I hope not. Just said they wanted to talk to everyone." I really wished they didn't have to talk now. We were having a good time on our first date, it seemed. "Sorry." I said for the millionth time.

"No, Nessie. It's okay. They need you. Can you text Quil and tell him that we can't make it to the movie?"

I nodded, taking out my phone again.

Quil, something came up with my family. We won't be making it to the movie. Sorry.

I texted.

A minute later, my phone beeped.

 OK. Should we be involved?


I replied. It shouldn't be serious. Thanks for caring. Say sorry to Claire too.

"What is he saying?" Jake asked.

"Just wondering if he should come. I told him it's not a wolf thing." I said.


I got another text, No problem. Let's plan to hang again, okay? :)

Of course, I texted back and put my phone away in my bag.

We eventually pulled up to their lot, and got out of the car.

"I think I'll see if I can stick around." Jake mentioned as we walked up to the house.

I nodded. It would be nice if he didn't have to leave.

In the dining room, everyone was standing around the table, waiting for our arrival.

"Oh, Renesee you're here! Okay, everyone take a seat." My aunt Rosalie hollered. She looked anxious to start.

I joined my family and did as she said, except for Jake. I saw him whispering to Emmett, and then my uncle nodded. Jacob then took a seat beside me. I guess that meant he was staying.

"Ok." Rose started. "It's so nice to be back, we missed everyone."

"Yeah, and while we were down in Mexico, we discovered something that really interested us both." Emmett informed. "But we wanted to share it with you before we decided on anything...big."

The rest of us stayed silent, listening, curious as to what they were talking about.

Rosalie continued. "When we were vacationing, we went to some pretty interesting places. After doing some research, we were aware that there was some sort of vampire activity downtown-"

"Oh Rosalie, you two need to be careful! You never know what could be down there..." My grandmother Esme spoke up, worried.

"It's okay Esme, everything was OK." Emmett assured her.

We all knew that they would be fine in any situation; the whole family has been through a lot. I'm sure they have lots of experience with strange vampires. But my grandma was just constantly worrying for everyones safety. She was so caring.

"Anyways, we went to the location... and we did, in fact, meet some like us. And they had the most interesting institution...." Rose went on.

"This is going to sound crazy, but hear us out." Emmett warned. "They had an.... adoption center."

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