Chapter 1: "Home base"

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(Storm's POV)

Me and Alex have been on monitor duty for like two hours......Alex bought a whole bunch of things for the 'TAKEOTC' a bunch of computers to be used for multiple research.....a notification alarm that tells us that someone has requested assistance......we don't know what it sounds like though because its never gone off......we all have a tracking device that we have to have on at all times.........Alex and Nate both have their tracking devices in their identical rings that they had gotten on one of their dates.....not marriage rings or anything.......Reficul and Natas both have a skull earring that have the tracking devices in them.........Dalv and Devane both have Bracelets that were made by hand that Ryu and Lavi gave them.......then those two for some reason unknown to me.....they both used an anklet that has red and blue colored beads on them for their trackers........then Yuma has a barrette with a purple and gold butterfly on it for her tracker.......and I have a necklace with a Yin and Yang symbol as a tracker......I looked over at Alex who was throwing a pen cap up in the air then catching it......We moved all of the furniture out of one of the downstairs guest bedrooms and turned it into what Alex calls our 'home base'........of course, we haven't gotten any chances to test out the rest of the stuff Alex bought like gear for tons of 'situations'.......Alex has gotten pretty attached to this whole thing.....I've been blowing on a pencil so that it goes up the table then back to me where I blow on it, so....boring......

"Alex, why do we have to wait here for someone to contact us? I mean isn't there an alarm that will go off to notify us?"

"One, we don't even know if it will actually work and go off when there's a message from someone....two, I want to be able to respond as fast as possible, mostly so they don't change their minds....."

"Ok......then why do two people have to be watching it.....why not just one?....preferably you....."

"I'm trying to have the....'Always have someone with you...never go off on your own'..... already established before we go on our first Mission......" I just nodded and went back to playing with the pencil for about ten seconds before I spoke again.....

"Why can't we at least talk?......"

"One we are talking....two, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know.....uhmm school's going?........"

"School's been going good but I don't want to talk about that though since this is the first day we have off from school for a whole week....."

" are you and Nate doing?"

"Fine....he's taking me to Hawaii for my birthday this year.....luckily my birthday is in the summer......unlike yours which is like a month after we go back to school...."

"Yeah but next year it'll be on a Friday......"

"Yeah but, its still a school day....."

"So?..........oh shut up!" he started laughing...........and what can I say, its when Reficul and Nate came in for their monitor duty....they had walked in on the laughing fits that we were having......


(Reficul's POV)

After my two hour shift at monitor duty it was time for dinner.......Alex doesn't like the fact how no one can watch the monitors during dinner and after ten.....but its ok because Alex.....decided to get something that will go off in case there's a mission for us to go on.....which there won't ever be....and what's worse is that we don't even know what the thing sounds like because Alex refuses to test it because he doesn't want the battery dying because according to him....within the three minutes it'd take to put new batteries in....we could miss a call for 'help'...........the dude is seriously taking this thing too...seriously.....and what's up with the whole buddy system thing? I sighed as I walked into the kitchen....the smell of spaghetti in the air....which if you ask me is too much of a fancy name for sauce and noodles....I mean why not just call it 'sauce and noodles?' After dinner I headed upstairs to finish the math homework I was given for the break....stupid Mrs. Higgins.....later on I ended up watching SpongeBob with the twins......around ten thirty I headed up to bed......I brushed my teeth.....both sets......and then took a scorching hot shower....then pulled on a pair of blue pajama pants and right when I had gotten in my bed and was about to try going to phone went of......I grabbed it off from the nightstand and opened the text from Kat.....

---"Hey Fic u wanna come over to my house tomrw and then to the movies w/ me and some friends?---

---Sure. what time and what movie?---

---around nine-ish  and we'll have to decide then k?---


---Great see u la8r---

---k. night---


looks like I don't have to sit around and watch TV all day long with the twins.....they seriously don't leave me alone half the time.....when they should be bothering Alex since he's in charge of babysitting them.....since they didn't want to go back to their pack......Kat and I have become really good friends.....Sam too.....I've gotten closer to Iris as well.....and I'd like to say that me and Marko have become closer....maybe not friends yet but's progress.....he's still with that b*tch Katherine......Kat is on plan F to break them up which I don't know what it is and how many ways are there to break people up? its not like I want to interfere with their relationship either...I mean sure Katherine is a queen b*tch but Marko still wants her.....maybe there's a different side to her that only he knows......when I told this to Kat she laughed and said 'yeah, her sexual side'.......which I don't understand what was so funny......I like Kat though, she's pretty awesome.....I can't wait to hang out with her tomorrow.......


-OK so I hope you enjoyed this.......

-Also, check out some of my others stories such as "Black Rose" or "The life of Emma Lorelle Benjamin"-which is just a really short story like seriously.....just two pages.....please read! lol

-P.S.- sorry for the text part....I tried to abbreviate things but I just can't do it......I have this weird thing where I have to spell everything out and throw in periods and question marks when I text....I just can't help it! so it probably won't really look like how  an actual text message should look.......

-Please leave comments letting me know how this was! thanks for reading! Sorry for any spelling mistakes....and if its a really bad one please let me know! oh and if you didn't read the special chapter don't worry.....I think it should be ok to read this if you didn't.....just you won't know what actually happened with Storm and his parents......

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