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~8 years ago~
I walked up to the door of the building. It was small and long...Smaller than the other two Pre-Ks I have been to.( Yep,Went to three different Pre-ks XD)
I walked in the building, My mom by my side. A woman with short black hair,brown eyes,and a cheerful smile walked over to us.
"Hello! I'm Mrs. Burk!" (HAI MRS.BURK IF YOUR READING THIS XD) She said.
"Jenna -insurt random last name xD-" My mom answered." And this is Sydney. "
"H-Hi...." I said looking down.
My mom left,I didn't want her to but soon after I met my two greatest friends of all time....Damien and Logan.. They were so silly and stupid that they made me laugh at the most awkward times.
Ellie was in the other class,Which was right across the hall. One day I was mad at my teacher for some reason and sassed her so I got lunch detention... (Am I a bad girl if I got lunch detention in Pre-K and never got it since?)
Ellie got lunch detention too so she some how convinced the teacher to let us go outside and play with the other kids.

A little while later I can remember Damien hiding from Mrs.Burk and another teacher...They were searching everywhere and when the got close to where he was he popped out of the bin he was hiding in. It was so funny that me and Logan were on the ground laughing our heads off.
Damien got detention and said it was totally worth it.
By the end of the year I was ready for 1st grade and another chapter of my life....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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