august 1st 2014 (part 1)

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noelle's 18th birthday.

noelle hated her birthday. she always has and always will. or at least that's what she says.

the day started off the same way every year on her birthday.

her mother, father, and brother would walk into her bedroom at exactly 7:03 am with a her birthday breakfast. the breakfast was nothing special. it consisted of a strawberry sprinkles donut and some watermelon.

her mother and father tried to talk about college with her. she had told them millions of time that she will not be going. she had other plans.

"noelle, dear, it's what best for you," her mother sighed, "college opens so many doors."

"mom, we have been other this," noelle groaned.

"your eighteen now, noelle."

"i'm aware of that. now can you please get out of my room i need to get ready."

"oh yes, of course dear. remember your party starts at 6!"

"can't wait." this party was not exciting to her at all.

she had received almost 130 texts this morning. they were all people wishing her happy birthday.

from cal: happy 18th birthday!!!

from noelle: thank u cal!! :) how's my sis??

calum hood and noelle's older sister, kara had been in a relationship for almost three years and they had just recently moved out together. kara was three years older than noelle.

noelle had always been jealous of kara. not because she had liked calum, but because noelle wanted to fall in love. she wanted to move to the city and be free from her parents and make her own decisions. she wanted to have a life that wasn't planned for her.

from cal: she's good. she misses u a lot.

from noelle: aw i miss her so much! i wished i lived closer.

from cal: i wished u lived closer too!

from cal: we do have a spare bedroom! u should totally move in.

noelle couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but she so badly wanted to believe that he was not joking.

so, she began to pack her bags.

and within a few short hours she was at her sisters apartment door.

"hey, new roommates!" she shouted as she walked into the apartment.

city :: luke hemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora