august 1st 2014 (part 2)

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the agreement.

"oh my gosh this apartment is so freaking adorable," i giggled as i sat on the couch that was in the tiny, yet roomy living room.

"um, noelle. what are you doing here?" my sister asked me as she joined me on the couch.

"aren't you happy to see me?"

"yeah, of course i am you're my baby sis," she sighed, "but i'm supposed to be leaving in twenty minutes to go to your party at your house not at mine."

"for one it's not my house it's my parent's house," i sighed, "i don't live there anymore."

"where do you live," she asked looking slightly concerned.

"here. didn't cal tell you?"

"calum!" she screamed, "i'll be right back."

while her and calum had a little conversation (which was mostly kara telling calum how much of an idiot he was) i decided to make myself at home.

i began to rinse the dishes that were left out on the counter and put them into the dishwasher. then, i folded the all of the blankets and put the pillows back on the couch nicely.

"noelle," kara called, "wait, what are you doing?"

"cleaning up," i simply stated as i fixed the last pillow.

"whatever, neat freak. anyways, cal and i talked and we both agreed that you could stay here until you can afford your own place."

"are you serious? thank you, kar! thank so much! i love you so fricken much! you are the best sister in the world." i ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug ever.

"there is a catch. you will have to pay your part of the rent, pay for your own meals, and no parties."

"no parties?" i frowned.

"no parties. my house my rules."

"whatever kar," i groaned.

"noelle, tell your phone to shut the fuck up." calum walked into the living room with my phone in his hand.

once i snatched the phone out of my sister's boyfriend's hands i hesitated to answer it. it was my father calling me.

"hi, daddy," i sighed.

"noelle, where the hell are you?"

"oh, i'm in the city."

"what the fuck are you doing in the city? noelle, you are supposed to be at home getting ready for your party which is in six minutes."

"well, i'm technically at home. just not the one your thinking of." i bit my lip. i know he's going to be pissed.

"noelle marie, tell me where you are. i'm coming to get you now."

"no, dad."

"you ungrateful child. your cut off. no more credit card. and don't bother coming home when you realize that you are not ready to live on your own. me and you both know your not ready for the real world. your just a little kid with some stupid fantasy."

And with that he hang up.

"you okay?" calum asked me.

"yeah, perfect."

"kara and i are going to get some coffee downstairs. want to come?"

"there's a coffee place downstairs?"

"yeah, they have the best coffee ever and i'm normally a starbucks girl," calum laughed.

"you're so weird," i giggled.

we had to walk down serval flights of stairs (talk about annoying) because the elevator has been broken down for months. the coffee shop was so adorable. it also smelled amazing.

"oh my gosh, this is so like an episode of friends!" i gushed, there was a big couch in the middle of the coffee shop and a bald man working the counter. he looked a lot like the character, gunther, from the beloved television series. if you couldn't already tell, i already watched every single episode on netflix.

"i guess it kinda does," kara admitted and then went up to the bald man to under us all drinks. i asked her to order me my favorite, a caramel latte. this time she offered to pay and she said it would be the only time.

"hey, mates!" calum greeted a group of three boys that had just walked it. it was very easy to tell that they were close friends. "guys, this is kar's little sister, noelle."

"hi," i smiled. they were all really tall like calum. i am only 5'3 and a half, so that makes everyone seem really tall.

"hey, noelle," they greeted. we all sat down on together and engaged in small talk. they seemed really cool and it makes me happy knowing that my sister has good people that have more looking out for her.

"so, noelle, what made you want to move out here?" one of the boys asked. i'm almost positive his name is ashton.

"to be honest, i was done putting up with my parents crap and i always wanted to live in the city. plus my amazing sister and her boyfriend offered so how could i refuse," i replied.

"that's cool," michael said. kara has told me about him, she said that he always seems to change his hair color. "i think we all live out here for similar reasons besides lucas. lucky kid was blessed with a big bank account."

"oh, shut up michael," luke groaned.

"i don't judge," i smiled at luke, and in return he smiled back at me. not going to lie, his smile is pretty dang cute.

throughout the rest of the evening i couldn't help, but look at that luke kid and i swear i caught him looking at me a few times.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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