Growing Up

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I was outside the house talking to Mal.Then I went to the kitchen and heated up some pizza.
"See you at home Mal"."See you there too Niall".Were now 7 years old two years after I said the wrong words, well we still have our sleep overs and stuff.Wait am I talking to myself?Okay wait Im stupid.Now Im going to stop.
Niall!!!!!My mom started screaming, then I smelled some smoke and then I remembered about the pizza.Well good thing it didnt get on fire.
My mom got angry and stuff and she said.Didnt you remember that I told you dont heat anything in the oven without supervision!Stop acting like you can do everything by yourself! A tear drip down my eyes, I told my mom sorry and she said that I must ask her first next time. I went back upstairs again, I saw Mal in her room since were neighbors and our room were infront of each other so it makes sense. We placed a plank of wood between our two rooms, well the second floors of our house wasnt that high so our parents allow us to do it but only when they are there, but we usually do it by ourselves secretly.

"Niall"I whispered to his ears right before we slept.What? he asked lazily."Good night". Thats all youre gonna say?"Yup thats all."


The next day was Sunday so they went malling, they saw lots of stuff there like toys and FOOD and toys and FOOD and toys and FOOD.....Well they saw lots of those, they bought some toys and food.

"Mal you think we bought enough?", I asked. "Niall?!Weve got a lot already!!!,Are you not contented with what we have?....."Because I think we've got enough"."Okay?"
"Niall!!!!"......"time for school!!"Okay mom just wait for a minute". "Oh, and Niall dont forget that you cant have your sleep over this coming Saturday".What? Why? "Remember youre going to be having your braces."What?!Nooooooooooo

Okay so that was the end of the chapter for now but just comment if you think the chapter is too short cause I'll work on that.

The picture of how their sleepover looks like is right above

Got any suggestions for the names of their parents?Cause I will surely be happy if you would help me with the choosing of names.





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