Chapter 6: Where Does The Fire Burn?

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The song in this chapter is written by me, not taken by anyone else. Verse 1. Please respect my wishes of not using it in any works of your own or taking it for any other reasons. Thanks!       


Satan was being a little devil inside Sam's mind, again. No pun intended.

"Are you really going to eat that?" Is all I heard the voice say as I handed Sammy some goodies I brought with me. My jacket hung low since every pocket and hole contained candy bars, chocolate, and healthier options like protein and fiber bars... but it was mostly just candy.

I was never the healthiest person.

I remembered that I stuffed my coat pocket full with candy bars and other treats for Sam from my grocery run since I was guessing that the food in this place was probably horrible. I was right, seeing that the man gulped two snickers bars down in about three seconds after seeing them in my hand.

"Thank you, Le-Leo." He coughed and I smiled at him, genuinely.

"No problem-o." I answer him and give him another candy bar. I kept pulling snacks out of my pockets whenever a didn't guard passed by so he was able to eat them and not get them taken away. I even let him take a couple gulps of a small water bottle I stole from the front desk when I found that Sam hadn't had anything to drink in a while. The woman at the desk freaked out when she couldn't find her water bottle and blamed another patient for it. The guards ended up taking away the man, who was screaming he was innocent, and brought him in another room to teach him not to steal things, all while he yelled back that he had no clue what was going on.

I saw the whole thing and felt bad for the human; he was being charged for something I did.

I heard a feint laugh ring out and Sam stopped eating instantly, looking over at the metal table. I followed his eyes and stared at it, understanding that he was seeing the ex-angel again. Well, that peaceful moment sure didn't last long.

"You remind me of someone I once knew, phoenix." His voice was softer than normal and I raise an eyebrow, suddenly becoming self-conscience. "Someone I knew, who was very close to me. He loved sweets."

Was he really talking to me?

"Don't listen to him, Leo." Sam ordered me but I just shook my head and stayed silent, looking at the table for the voice to continue. As much as I wanted the voice to leave, I found myself curious. How the holy hell did I remind the devil of someone he knew?! I wanted to know, I was always an intrigued person at heart.

"Seems that she wants me to go on." It mocked at Sam and the brother made a tired/angered face at the ground then back at me. "I win this round."

"Sorry." I spill out. "I just am very curious, is all."

Another light chuckle. "Yes, very indeed."

It goes silent for a moment until it speaks up again, sounding closer. I knew he was 'walking' around the bed becuase Sam's eyes followed it the entire time, not blinking at all. I grow more concerned by the second, maybe this wasn't such a good idea to let him speak?

"Anyways," It began. "The way you keep pulling candy out of nowhere reminds me of a brother I had. He ate sugar whenever he could."

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