Middle School

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Velvet POV(she's 12 now)

I Woke up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing.I hit the top button to make it stop.I rubbed my sleepy eyes and got a blue collared shirt with some skinny jeans.I threw on my rose hoodie and got my black and white checkered backpack as well as my phone.I also brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.
When I got downstairs Cora was there with a white collared shirt and leggings.She was eating waffles."Cmon!Were having waffles"Cora said between chews.I chuckled and grabbed a plate.Ryu was making them."Thanks"I said."No problem!And if you we're wondering where Kai was,he's still sleeping"He laughed."Why is my dad so lazy?"Cora said.we both chuckled and threw our plates away.Ryu gave us both food bars to take to lunch.Mine was peanut.We nodded in thanks and walked out the door."Bye!"We could hear Ryu yell.
When we we're let off the bus,Me and Cora looked at the giant school.This was our first time here.We smiled at each other and kept walking.This school had blue lockers,like in High school.But I wouldn't get one yet..Nor Cora.I got my class papers."I have Algebra..PE..."I Listed my classes.Cora had only two of mine out of 5,which we're History and Algebra.I was fine with it.We both had Algebra at the same time.We walked to class.
When we walked in,the teacher gave us a glare.I'm chalk,the board said 'Mrs.Verone'.Ill call her Verone.Verone told us we're to sit.I sat behind Cora and next to a girl named Jessica.She had brown hair in a high bun and wasn't even wearing uniform.It was a pink shirt that said PINK in glittery letters and a white skirt shorter than her knees.

She made me wanna barf.

There was a boy on the left of me named Jake.He had a gray collared shirt and skinny tan school pants.his hair was dyed blue.I fiddled with the pockets of my black hoodie until class was done.I got homework.Dang!I thought you didn't get homework the first day.

When it was lunch time-Finally,I got in line.Good thing there aren't many kids in this school.Only like 200 so they're we're only 159 people here due to sickness and detention...
I grabbed a tray with Cora behind me.I got pizza with and apple and a milk.Cora got Pizza,brocolli,and chocolate milk.
We sat down at a table with two guys sitting there,they seemed alone."Can you two leave-"the second he looked up at us, he stopped.we both picked up our trays and left the table.That was awkward..
I ate my pizza and my apple.After I saved room to eat my peanut butter food bar.I played Agar.io on my phone until lunch was over.Me and Cora had a small conversation on the way to History.
"Hey,did you see that guy?"Cora said.
"In Algebra?"I Asked.
"Yeah."She nodded.
"What about him?"I questioned.
"He had a tail."She whispered.
"Thats not scientifically possible unless it was fake."I stated.
"What if he's some kind of werewolf?"Cora acted scared.
"He is not a werewolf.Were not in Twilight.He is NOT Jacob and that guy at lunch isn't Edward!"I said.
"You read Twilight?"She laughed.
"Whatever"I smiled and we opened the doors to History.

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