Chapter 7

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Iris' pov

It's been about a week since Damon got the Disneyland tickets. He won't tell me when we're going. Today Bryan, Johnnie, Alex, Damon, and I, are going out. I decided on wearing Damon's shirt that says messy hair don't care. Coincidentally my hair is a mess and I don't give a shiz. I'm also wearing my dark blue shorts and black doc. Martins. I am aware it doesn't match very well. But as I said before... I don't even care.

Damon told me to go to his house at 12. It's 11:23 and I'm bored as hell. I put my hair in a bun and go over. He answers the door and pulls me in. "Hey cutie. Nice shirt." He says. I knew he seen me steal it from his dryer. I blush and walk to the living room. "So where are we going?" I asked as he sat next to me. "To a place. Do you have water. I don't have water. I have a ton of peace tea, but no water." He said getting up and walking to the fridge.

"I have water bottles at my house. Are you gonna take a bag so we can take the drugs?" Me and Damon call peace tea drugs. I mean in a way it is because I'm addicted. "That's a good idea. For the record I came up with it." He said with a laugh. As soon as he came back with his bag the doorbell rang.

"I got it." I say and walk to the door. "Hey guys." I say and give Bryan, Johnnie, and Alex a hug. "I'll be back. I gotta get water bottles." I say and skip over to my house. I grab enough waters for us all and headed back to Damon's. "I'll help you." Alex said taking a few bottles from my arms. I take Damon's bag from the counter and Alex places the water in it. I do the same with my bottles.

"So you and Damon are together?" She asked as I hopped onto the counter. "Yeah." I said smiling. "What about you and Johnnie?" I ask. Everyone has a theory and i just really gotta know. "Yeah. We're together." She says smiling as i just did, but looking at the boys who were discussing which camera was better. "So are we going to go or not?" Damon asked smiling at me. "Yeah. Let's go!" I smile and run to the door causing everyone to laugh.

Damon grabs the bags and I sit on Bryan's hood. "Wow. I see how it is. You don't like my car." Damon said as Bryan opened the trunk. Damon threw the bags in the trunk and I climbed into the back with Alex and Johnnie. "She must hate you." Bryan said to Damon and I laughed. "Iris why you do that?" Damon asked causing me to laugh. "Just get in." I say and he does.

Bryan starts the car and then we are off. Bryan is blasting Fall Out Boy. #classics... As soon as we get on the freeway I know we're going to Disneyland. Yay I think. We get there and park on the Minney Mouse level. Bryan is vlogging and I'm trying my hardest to stay out of it. I don't wanna be sneezing or something and everyone else is adorable, especially Damon, and have awkward screenshots on Instagram and everything else. We finally get to downtown Disney and soon enough the gates.

"Let's go on the haunted mansion first." I suggest. They have it for Halloween so it's the nightmare before Christmas theme. Damon pulls out two cards. Then I realize he got passes not tickets. "Damon! What the heck? That's a lot of money for passes for us." I say feeling bad. "It's fine babe." Damon says.

"To the haunted mansion." We all chant as we run through Disneyland. Surprisingly there's not as much people like usually. There's not a long line so it takes us 15 minutes to the front of the line. "Me and Alex!" I shouted. She laughed and Johnnie and Damon pouted. Bryan laughed and got in between Alex and I. "Us girls are awesome." He said being the weird little Bryan he is. He got stuck with Johnnie and Damon.

Alex was snapchating the part where Jack and zero are on the hill. As we leave Bryan's recording and points it to Sally by the exit. "Since Damon and Iris, and Johnnie and Alex are together... This is my new girlfriend." Bryan said then pointed the camera at Johnnie. "She was my girlfriend before Alex." He said which made me and Alex laugh. "What ride next? Bryan asked still recording. "Peter Pan!" Damon said happily. "We're off to see the wizard... Wait wrong movie." Bryan said as we walked over to Peter Pan. They actually had the character out.

"Hey look it's Damon." Alex said. We got in line. "This is one of my favorite rides." I told Damon. "Same!" Johnnie said. "What's your favorite part?" Damon asked. "You'll see." I told him. We got on and sailed away to never land. "This is it." I say pointing in front of us. It's as if we are flying over England. "This is so cool." Damon said kissing my lips. This time it felt different. Better. More official, I guess. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I felt like I was actually flying. Before I knew it the ride was over and we had to get off.

We went on a few more rides and I was with Damon the whole time. "To California adventure." Bryan said. We'd all finished our water, and I was about to open my peace tea. We finally decided on what rides we'd go on. Soarin' over California, the Farris wheel, the roller coaster, and the new cars rides. We go on all the rides and the Farris wheel is the last.

"I don't wanna." I say staring up at it. "Come on. It'll be fun." Alex says. We get on the ride and I'm panicking. "Just breathe. It'll be fine." Damon whispers in my ear. We start going up and it swings. "I.. Can't... D-Damon... Help...." I say starting to pass out. Johnnie throughs some water on my face. "Thanks." I say still not breathing normally.

"I mean like, how safe is this? We could just rock this way and we'd fall and die." Then laughter. "Tell them to shut up." I say pointing at the cart above us. "Um. We could get kicked out." Bryan says. "Well I thought we were leaving after anyways?" They all shrug and start shouting. "Hey shut the fuck up!" Damon starts. "Make us." A blonde girl says. "You'll shut up when I put my fist in your face." Alex says. My eyes widen. Alex is the sweetest ever, what the heck.

"You can't when we're below you dumb ass." Says some dude. "Don't call her a dumb ass, dumb ass." Johnnie says sticking up for Alex. Bryan's recording the whole thing. "Shut the fuck up you emo fags." The same blonde says. "Oh hell no." Bryan says. "Hold my camera." He says handing it to Johnnie, and turning around. "Ha. Bitch you fake as fuck. I can see your roots so shut up. And you... Pft this dumb ass... I'm sure we could kick your ass..." Bryan said. They're cart got quiet. "Let's all say suck my ass." I say. "On three." Damon says. "One... Two... Three!" Damon shouted. "Suck my ass!" We all screamed... Bryan was right. We got kicked out of Disneyland, and escorted to our car. The whole way home, we could not stop laughing and quoting each other.


So one time I had gone to Disney land and something like that happened and my aunt was like they need to shut up... So this is basically how it would have gone if I was a horrible person... I am... Lol...

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