Chapter 3

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If I told you that when I met One Direction I was just normal and wasn't fangirling at all, I would have totally been lying.

But Nora...

Nora was fangirling.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Nora was jumping up and down and shaking my shoulders and arm violently squealing 'Flo! Look! It's One Direction!' insert squeal 'Am I the only one who seems them? Why aren't you fangirling? It's One Direction, Flo!'

I'm surprised her baby hadn't popped out yet.

I looked around and saw that everyone had gone out suddenly.

I stopped her by grabbing her arm and letting her have a moment to breathe. I looked apologetically Daniel behind me and all he did was smirk, so I added in a flirty wink.

Then, I turned my attention down back to Nora.

"Calm down, Nora!" I snapped my fingers in front of her. "It's only One Direction!"

"Only One Direction? Only One Direction my as-"

"Excuse me, are we disturbing something here?" someone asked behind us in their thick Irish accent. All three of us turned towards the five 'hotties', as Nora had described, and awkwardly stared.

"That's Niall! We just spoke with Niall!" Nora squealed.

"No, not at all, you can just order your ice creams while I calm down my sister," I smiled at them. I could feel the curly-haired boy's gaze on him so once again, I winked. I then turned around and glared at my sister for being so irresponsible.

“Oh my god, Nora! You can’t just fan girl over One Direction as soon as you see them!” I flicked my hair over my shoulder and placed my hands on my hips.

She glared at me then put a hand on my shoulder sympathetically. “You will understand when you’re older, little sister.” That earned me another glare from her. She obviously felt uncomfortable and turned away. Then, I noticed something.

“You’re not wearing pink,” I stated in a monotone.

“Yeah, so?” She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

“It’s Wednesday. We always wear pink on Wednesdays,” I shoot death glares at her.

“Oh, silly me, I must have put this on by accident. I was in a rush, I'm sorry Flo. Honest." She tries to cover it up. I don't buy it, obviously.

"Gosh, Nora. You can't be seen with me, now. Everyone knows that we wear pink on Wednesdays. Otherwise people will think that it's not an item anymore. Get out of here!"


"Out! Tell Gran to get you!" I almost screamed at her. God, who did she think she was? Not wearing pink on Wednesdays. Only I could break that rule and still seem cool. "Out!"

Dejected, she hung her head down and silently exited the shop slowly.

"And don't you dare forget to wear pink next Wednesday," I shouted out as she opened the door. "It'll be worst next time!"

 I heard the sound of foot shuffling and turned around.

"Sorry about that... Us wearing pink on Wednesdays are-"

"Important? I figured," Daniel laughed. "I never gave you the ice cream, by the way. Here you go." Without taking his eyes from mine, he handed me my vanilla ice cream. Then, he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Be careful with your ice cream." He handed me a folded note and I smirked, knowing what was in it.

His number.

"Thanks," I winked at him and tossed my hair. I strutted over to the boys, staring with their jaws dropped. "Might as well take all of your numbers too, hotties."

There was a chaotic scuffle as the boys frantically looked around for a pen. I tossed them one from my cute (obviously, I was wearing it) dress' pocket. Curly caught it first and wrote his number and name, then passed it on to stripy.

It went on and on until I had six strips of paper in my hand. I smirked inwardly at them, putting all of them in my pocket. After that, I tossed my hair and strutted out like a model. 

Once I was out of their sights, I laughed. Score! Six hotties' numbers were in my hand. I, Flo, had once again got boys attracted to me.

I mean, I can't help it that I'm so hot.

Turning around, I glanced at the little cute ice cream shop that Daniel worked in. I wonder what flavour the boys ordered.

I would definitely be coming back, soon. 

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hai guys it's jess here. i'm pretty proud of being able to write this chapter (though it's no where as good as sophie's or tara's. i'm sorry for how short this is; i was lazy so i guess there's going to be someone else writing the next chapter of this. who ever is going to, i'm sorry for leaving it such awkwardly. i think you should know that i kept on banging my head against a table because this was so frustrating.

k. so hope you enjoy it.

or not, because this is crap.

i should shut up now. bye.

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