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Niall is huffing softly. In his position it's hard to even squat, he'd been running for god knows how long and he's finally found a hiding spot. It's like warehouse and there's a flipped car in here. It's deathly silent were he is, all he can hear is a distance laugh. He hasn't seen his supposedly partner since they got split up and the idiot won't answer is walkie-talkie.

He tries again, pressing the button and hearing the static before speaking into it. "Harry? Harry! Are you there? Answer me!"

Again nothing but static so he grunts in frustration and decides to leave it on in case Harry starts feeling like picking up. Lowering down the volume so the static wouldn't be so loud he sets it besides him for now.

As he's finally catching his breath he swipes some of the sweat he has on his forehead, only causing the dirt from the ground to smear across. He curses quietly. Out of all the places to be they had to pick a fucking dirt field. Niall looks over the car. No one.

He quickly loads his gun again getting ready to go back out the way he came when he heard footsteps, fast ones. His heart is racing a mile a minute and that feeling like he's about to get caught bubbling up inside of him, if that happened it's all down hill from there.

Next he hears the person panting quick and heavily as they run. The door to the shed burst open and as whoever has opened it closes it quickly. Niall is about to start shooting when Harry is the one who plops down beside him. His partner.

"Harry? Fuck!" He whispers then lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and quickly slaps Harry across the arm.

"Sorry love, but I saw you come in here and it's not like I could talk to you through the walkie-talkie." Harry unslings his gun from his shoulders and stretches a bit.

From what Niall can tell Harry has been putting up a fight. His hair is a bit more matted down from sweat he supposes, he's got a bit of dirt above his brow and he's also running out of ammo.

"What do you mean you can't talk to me through the walkie-talkie? Did you break it already? That's cost
me-" Harry covers Niall's mouth and Niall half thinks about licking it, but on second thought that would be pretty stupid. They are covered in dirt.

Harry kisses Niall's forehead softly and leans back again grinning slightly. Niall's face is red half from blushing half from anger and once Harry noticed exactly that, he thought it was time to explain himself.

"You'll never believe me," he says and Niall just looks at him waiting as Harry uncovers his mouth. "Liam hacked it, Louis got Liam to hack our walkie-talkies, and that's why they knew we were going to the river, that's why we where attacked and separated, and why I tossed it in the river." He finishes smiling.

Niall's red again and about to burst, wanting to yell at Harry about those things costing him 20 pounds, due to the connection or whatever when he realizes, Liam hacked their walkie-talkies.

"How the actual fuck did he hack fucking walkie-talkies, Harry?"

Harry shrugs his shoulders. Niall shakes his head, "That's not even possible, you can't hack a walkie-talkie.... You think he bought one just like it and was listening in on our conversations?" Harry shrugs again and Niall wants to slap him again.

"Harry! This is serious then that means that they bought the same one as us, how did they manage that huh? Did you leave it out again? I told you to hide-" Harry's eyes are wide when he hears the footsteps. He looks at Niall but quickly sees that he's too busy ranting to hear the footsteps as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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