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@harry_styles : you can call now

@harryscurls : I'm on it sweetie

The piercing noise of the FaceTime calling went off in Lily's headphones loudly as Harry's phone began to vibrate on the table beside his hotel bed, he picked it up looking at himself first before swiping across the screen, he was met with a pretty girl with blue eyes looking at him 'Lily' he spoke, softly, which Lily thought was angelic, 'Harry, your actual Harry' she giggled, covering her face with the sleeve of her hoodie,Harry, was shirtless, his ringlets rounding his face and his infamous green eyes popping, 'don't cover your pretty face Lil' Harry said, smiling, his dimples indenting his cheeks, they spoke for hours on end, till Harry heard Louis come home, 'Yo Harry where's my razor?' Louis asked walking cluelessly round the hotel, Lily's eyes went wide as Harry turned on his back camera and Louis walked around shirtless with a towel around his bottom half, 'here' he pointed at the small black leather toiletries bag on a wardrobe shelf, Louis nodded and left back to his own room, 'Harry, it's getting late, is it okay if I go?' Lily asked yawning, pushing the few fray hairs back more, Harry nodded 'of course' as he went to press the end button Lily screeched 'Harry it's 1 week and 4 days till we meet' She smiled, wide and goofy, Harry did the same back and said 'I love you lily' Lily blushed at the words and whispered 'I love you too'

@harry_styles : you are truly beautiful and your accent is so pretty and so is your face oh my gosh we JIST FACETIME FOR THE FIRST TOME BDJWKWJ

@harryscurls : I'm one step closer to touching you. Good night

@harryscurls : stay safe haz

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