t h i r t y ; (epilogue)

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'Mom' Camryn yelled, 'yeah!' Lily screamed back to her daughter, 'where's dad! I wanna say bye before he leaves for tour' Camryn peered over the bannister at her mother in the kitchen, 'In his study' Lily placed the water she was holding onto the kitchen counter top, Camryn skipped back up the stairs to her dad, 'Dad!' She yelled, the pretty face of the 9 year old lit up as her dad picked her up and squeezed her a little 'Yes doll' She let out a small squeak and said 'when are you leaving?' He shrugged, 'in like 10 minutes' he put down the brown haired girl and she smiled before putting in her earphones and listened to 'Infinity' her dads bands newest single, Harry pulled his large black suitcase behind him down the stairs and huffed as it dropped at the bottom, 'I'm going to miss you, a lot' Lily walked out of the kitchen and cuddled into Harry's toned chest, 'I am as well, but when I'm back we'll be closer to you being called Lily Styles' he bopped her nose and she giggled and looked down at the engagement ring on her hand and spun it with her fingers, 'you know, when I was younger I would name myself Lilyxxstyles on all my social media' she sighed 'I never thought it would be real' Harry squeezed her tighter, 'I need to go now' Lily shrugged and dropped her shoulders, 'I love you' he kissed her lips softly, and held her lower back,
'Cammy, I'm leaving ' Harry yelled up the stairs, soon they both heard a patter of footsteps and Camryn jumped into her dads arms, 'bye dad, see you at the LA show!' She kissed her dads cheek and he put her down again, 'I love you guys' he blew a kiss as he dragged his suitcase out he door, Lily let out a loud sigh, knowing she would miss him for the 6 weeks he will be gone, while Camryn danced a little with her headphones in listening to 5 Seconds of Summer.
The day of the concert came quick, Lily and Camryn walked into the stadium, occasionally getting stopped by people who knew them as Harry's girlfriend and daughter, Camryn was in a pair of spotty leggings and a black jumper, paired with her white docs, while Lily went a little more sophisticated, a pink skirt with a lace top an a blazer over the top with a pair of Chelsea boots in cream, they stood in the pit, screaming, and when Harry came out he coughed a little, 'So, as you guys know me and my girlfriend Lily, have been together for 11 years now? and I never told everyone how we met, you have all made and listened to the rumours, but now, tonight I will tell you the story of how we met' he stood up as the other 3 boys sat on a box behind him, 'when I was 21 I followed a user called 'Harryscurls' on Twitter, she would DM me everyday, and tell me her problems, now I would see all these and not reply, but she didn't know this, then one day, she told me a story, her bullying story, and I messaged her back, she talked to me and then told me that she was finally moving schools, she wAs only 18 years old, she would tell me 'stay safe haz' at the end of every conversation, and we counted down the days to her coming to one of our concerts, and we met, she screamed and we kissed and she cried, that night she told me everything about her, and has time passed I proposed to her and now, you know how we met' tears fell down Lily's perfectly sculpted face and she giggled as her daughter cuddled into her stomach, 'I love you lily'
'I've missed you!' Camryn screamed hugging her dad in his dressing room, 'I've missed you to!' Harry yelled kissing her forehead, 'Camryn, Jess is here to take you home' Lily walked into the dressing room with Jess, Camryns 'aunty' when all she was was Lily's best friend, 'Aunty Jess!' Camryn squealed hugging her, 'see you later mum, bye dad' she waved as Jess took her back to her house to look after her for the night while Harry and Lily had this night to themselves, 'so how's this 4 weeks been' Harry asked, 'Hectic' Lily huffed, 'hmm'
This is the end my little vibrant babies, ya'll have been cute and commented and stuff and we are only on 350 reads ish, I love you guys and I hope you consider reading some other books! This gave me major feels- Ily, Ella xox

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