Chapter 3: The Devil

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Getting What I Want

Chapter 3: The Devil

Hey Guys! OMG! I have got 70 reads on Chappy 1 && 45 reads on Chappy 2. I'm so happy I have any reads at all. Srry about the wait. I am moving to Florida which sucks a lot. I know I hate it when I update my library or check on a book and it still hasn't updated a long time. But I hope you guys understand. My story being in anyone's Library is beyond me. I am so happy ppl r actually reading. Ths wasn't supposed to be anything and now I feel so cool with responsibilities and tryingto make ppl happy with the chapters. I don't want to bore you or get you annoyed with a big author's note but what I just wanted to say before I started to ramble was THANK YOU SO MUCH! For reading my story and even this note. I don't want to ask you guys to please comment or vote for more chapters or for anything. I want you to comment or vote becase you wanted to. Okay Sorry Bye. Here you meet Hades...


Standing in front of me he looked like a true God. Like the God of Sex. I felt like giggling and batting my eye lashes. Oh blossoms please barf much. I used to do that alll the time when I saw a hot guys. In this case I am looking at a very sexy hott yummy guy. It would always work but in the case I am not the old Persephone. Sexy bas ass scene rocker is what I am and I am loving the new me. So what would I do. I can't let him know I think he is attractive. I mean come on he wll be all oh she is going to be an easy lay or aw how cute she likes me. I'd rather kill all the plants in the world. But I mean it was hard not to flirt or jump him.

His dark midnight black hair was short and he looked really do-able. Wow Persephone you are suck a perv... I know. :) Tee-hee... Anyways back to Hades. His muscles could be seen through the suit and let me tell you guys this. The guy was freaking huge! Uh he keeps on getting more perfect. His nose was straight and by his bone structure you could tell he was strong and it just made him more handsome.

His eyes were unbelieveable. They were blue and green combined. He had on suits like every other dude here but his looked like it was made for him only. It looked perfect on him. Snug as a glove. His eye held such a cold expression it would have been scary to someone much more weaker than I. He didn't scare me one bit. He probably had a great amount of power and could harm me with one finger but why be scared? I could take him. Psh kick his ass if I wanted to.

I didn't make it seem like I was checking him out. Of course not. I had to keep it cool, like I was the shit and I was certainly not fased by him. He looked at me and I felt my knees go weak and it took a lot to not collapse. Oh for the love of tulips he was just a guy. An incredibly sexy guy but just a guy. He looked as if he was specualting me. What was there to specualte? I was just a vegetation goddess who was indeed awesome but how would he know that? I gave him a bit of a smile but didn't show teeth. Showing teeth in a smile is just when your happy and I didn't want him to think I was happy just because he was there. But boy I was so happy! Looking at him kept me satisfied. Very satisfied.

My mother then said "This is Prsephone my daughter Lord Hades. A vegetation Goddess". Duh Mom. Smh.

Your probably wondering you have been alive forever. How have you never met him? Well I used to be the good girly girl and would go around planting stuff all the time. Or I would stay home and that was basically it. No adventure, excitment or fun. I had friends, family and technology but it wasn't the same as doing what I wanted. I was always strained and tied down by my parents. Never fully free. But now it feels amazing and great. I am now happy. Also another reason I had never met Hades before was because he never visted or came up from the underworld. Also thinking about it now it wasn't a total waste beign the old me. I had learnt every language there was, I had learnt self-defense. Anything you name it. I could cook and clean as my mom put it to be a good wife if I ever got lucky. I love to read and write. My absolute favorite thing is to sing and that was the icing on top for Apollo. I was his girl who had the voice of an angel since he is the God of the Arts. Ugh I am not going to spoil my mood with thoughts of him.

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