Authors Notes For Episode 3 Part B

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Hello again and here we are at the end of the third book!
I had no idea when I first started that I would be writing 3 books, the first book came out almost two years ago now and I was looking back at the first book and seen how much my story writing had improved from then, I just want to say another big thank you to everyone who reads the books and enjoys them as well.

Now let's talk about episode 3 - stay put
When I started the third book I knew I wanted to add more people to the group and that was when I created the characters James, Lukeus and Carlos. Carlos we slightly got to know in the last episode but not too much and still we don't know too much about him, I think his defining moment is still to come though. Jame's defining moment is possibly still yet to come. Luke is going to become a huge character in episode 4 and if you would like to know him more he's going to be in the Dead Blood Prequel as well. I would strongly recommended reading the prequel, because I like to call it my forth book of the dead blood series, so it's going to be of high importance to the series. I am still not going to say who the main character is for the prequel and may or may not be who you think it is, but old characters are going to return as well as future upcoming characters as well.

Now the big questions  are is who is Cam going to choose to kill and who are these bandits? Well I'm afraid you're going to have to wait for the next book and I'll see you in the prequel which you should expect from tomorrow.

So not too long to wait!!!

Dead Blood Episode 3 - Stay PutWhere stories live. Discover now