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They cut me open

they drove it deep

the sword was sharp

the fall was steep

they knocked me down

and I fell fast

their sea of lies was ever so vast

they told them all

they made up lies

I tried to call

I got no replies

they left me there

at the bottom of a ditch

a pit of regret, a hole for the bitch

I would soon get my revenge

because it was my job to avenge

avenge the geeks, avenge the nerds

avenge the one ones who never get heard

we will rise all at once

to prove that you are nothing but a dunce

you may be popular and you may be liked

but I am kindness in the form of a spike

we will cut you with our kindness

you will kill us with your knife

your knife is barely that

a sword of words filled with strife

a sword of words for a rat

A Collection of Poems: Love, Loss, Secrets and LiesWhere stories live. Discover now