Chapter 31

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(Ron's POV)
Hermione and I sat at the table with a sheet of parchment in front of us and a quill in Hermione's hand, a fresh bottle of ink sitting on the surface of the table.
"Right," said Hermione, opening the bottle, "so who are we going to invite to the wedding and who're going to be our best man, bridesmaids etc.?"
"Hmmm," I said thoughtfully.
"I think you're parents should be the number one guests," said Mione, dipping her quill into the black ink.
"No," I said, "you're surviving your wedding without any of your family being there so I think it's cruel to make sure that mine are there."
Hermione gave me a watery smile.
"You're my family, Ron," she said, "and Harry, and Ginny, and your mum, dad, brothers and sisters."
I returned the smile and kissed her forehead.
"Ok," said Mione, "what about Harry and Ginny, then? As our definite guests of honour?"
I nodded in agreement and Hermione scribbled down their names.
"So," she said after Harry and Ginny's names gleamed off the parchment, written in fresh ink. "Let's start with who we're gonna invite from your family. Your mum and dad first." She scribbled down Mum and Dads names.
"George and Angelina have got to come," she was already writing my brother and sister-in-laws names down.
Then I swore loudly.
"Shit, Hermione, I've completely forgotten to tell you! Mum sent me an owl yesterday morning saying Angelina's in labour!" I cried, grinning.
Hermione screamed in delight and jumped up and down in her seat in excitement.
"Oh how wonderful," she beamed, "have you heard any other news yet? Any names they're thinking of?"
"Mum said they're thinking of Roxanne if it's a girl, after Angelina's cousin whom she's very close to and if it's a boy then they're planning on calling it," I swallowed, "Fred," I said it in a much quieter and delicate tone and then fell silent.
Hermione's beautiful brown eyes started swimming with tears. Then she gave a watery smile and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, rubbing my back.
"Lovely. Lovely names," she wiped her eyes quickly and we set off to work again, deciding who was coming to the wedding although we both didn't feel in the right mood to do it now.
(Hermione's POV)
The next day, Ginny, Luna and I went shopping in Diagon Alley for the hunt for me and Ginny's wedding dresses.
I was unbelievably excited and so was Ginny, even Luna who doesn't usually show facial emotions was smiling widely as we went by Floo Network and into the Leaky Cauldron. After a quick pint of Butterbear from Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, the three of us went into the back yard of the pub, tapped the correct bricks on the wall and stepped into the beautiful streets of Diagon Alley.
"Right, shall we start with Madame Malkin's Robes for all Occasions?" Said Luna and Ginny and I agreed.
We walked into the fairly large shop and walked to the back of it where all the wedding dresses were kept. The three of us rummaged through the many rails of dresses; there were so many!
"How about this one?" Said Luna and held up a hideous looking dress. It was a salmon-pink colour which was styled to look like a Georgian ball gown, it was covered in tiny flowers and there were frills and bows all over the puffy skirt part of the dress.
"Um...." I said, carefully, "it.... er.....," I checked the size, "aha! What a shame, it's not my size, it's just a bit too small," I said, sounding a bit too triumphant and relieved.
"Oh," said Luna, looking a bit disappointed, "Ginny, I know this is your size, how about it?"
"Erm," said Ginny, "I.... Well.... You see....-"
"It won't go with Ginny's hair," I made up an excuse, "it'll clash with Ginny's red hair!" Looking disappointed, Luna put the disgusting dress back on the rail.
"Thanks for making sure I didn't have to be seen in that ghastly thing!" Whispered Ginny with a grin to me and I grinned back.
After about an hour or so of hunting wedding dresses for Ginny and I, Luna finally insisted on Ginny to try on this dress that Luna had found, it was cream and seemed not very puffy and swept out at the bottom. Not feeling very confident, Ginny walked into the changing room and changed into the dress. Once she stepped out, looking thoroughly uncomfortable and miserable, I instantly knew that the dress wasn't the one. It hugged at Ginny's body in all the wrong places and she could barely walk in it because it was so tight.
"Nope," was one word Ginny had to say before going back into the changing room and flinging off the dress. Once she emerged from behind the curtain again, dressed back in her normal clothes, her eyes suddenly widened, staring past me and Luna.
"What is it?" Asked Luna, "is it Nargles? Have they made your brain go all fuzzy? Or is it Wrackspurts?"
Ginny completed ignored her and carried on staring. I looked behind me but couldn't see anything that seemed to of caught my attention.
"That's it," she breathed, "that's my dream wedding dress!" She raised a shaking finger and pointed it towards the desk where Madame Malkin stood, taking out a white wedding dress which was enclosed in a plastic sheet, obviously new.
Ginny practically sprinted across the shop towards Madame Malkin, tripping as she ran.
"Madame Malkin!" Panted Ginny, "is that dress for sale?"
"Merlin's beard! It's Ginevra Potter, wife of Harry Potter! In my shop!" Gasped Madame Malkin.
"I'm not his wife yet," scowled Ginny, "but I will be soon. Now, is it ok if I try on the dress?"
Malkin handed Ginny the dress and she scurried back towards the changing rooms, Luna and I following.
Ginny swept into the changing rooms and, after a minute or so, appeared wearing the wedding dress. Luna and I gasped.
"You look beautiful!" Breathed Luna.
"I think this is the one," I grinned and Ginny nodded.
The dress was a crisp white colour, it was strapless and fitted Ginny perfectly. The skirt billowed out, puffy and impressive and it reached her feet, covering them up.
"Yep, this is the one," beamed Ginny, twirling around. "Harry will love it!"
"Yes, get it, get it!" Squealed Luna and I which made Ginny beam and sweep back into the changing room.
Whilst she was getting changed I noticed something that nearly made my heart stop. A beautiful wedding dress was hanging on a rail on it's own. It was white with short, puffed sleeves, slim fitted and went out right at the bottom.
"Luna, look!" I cried, "that's it! The wedding dress I want to wear for my wedding!"
"What?!" Came an excited Ginny from within the changing room and then burst out, (fully dressed) buckling her belt.
"Look!" I squealed and grabbed the dress. "This is exactly what I wanted!" I dove into another changing room and slipped into the dress. I walked back out and Ginny and Luna stared. The dress hugged at my body in all the right places and didn't in all the wrong places. It fanned out right at the bottom and the puffy sleeves were a pearly white colour, just like the rest of the dress.
"Sold!" I cried and went back into the changing room and took off the dress. Ginny, Luna and I went to the desk and I bought my wedding dress.
"Ginny," said Luna, when I gave Madame Malkin the correct amount of Galleons for my dress, "where's your wedding dress?"
"Bugger!" Gasped Ginny, clapping a hand to her mouth, "I left it in the changing room! I'll go and get it."
Luna Ginny and I, after I had bought my dress, went back to the changing rooms: only to find that somebody was already in the one with Ginny's wedding dress in.
(Ginny's POV)
"Excuse me?" I called, rapping on the changing room door, "there's a wedding dress in there that's mine, would you mind passing it to me from under the door?" I said this all as politely as I could. I heard a stupid girlish giggle come from within the room; was that a Scottish accent hidden in the giggle?! Then I heard the lock on the door click and the door creaked open to reveal someone who made my eyes narrow, my lips purse up together and my hatred rise. Cho fricking Chang, Harry's ex girlfriend, stood in the doorway, a false smile plastered across her face, flicking her shiny black hair over her shoulders.
"Why, hello there Ginevra, Hermione, Loony, aha, I mean, Luna," she gave another false giggle and I wanted to slap that stupid smile off of her pretty little face.
"Hi Cho," I growled and her fake grin widened. Then I glanced to what she was holding. The wedding dress that I was planning on buying.
"Oh, Cho," I said, trying to seem as friendly and polite as possible, "do you mind if I took that cause I just tried it on and was going to buy it but I left it in the changing room and-," I was interrupted by another stupid giggle from the stupid Ravenclaw girl.
"Well, Ginevra...."
"Don't call me that."
"Ginevra," she ignored my comment, "sorry to disappoint you but this is going to be my wedding dress now," she smiled a sickly sweet smile which made me want to hurl.
"Look, Chang, I don't give a damn what you say but that is my wedding dress and I found it, tried it on and am intended to buy it!" I was losing my temper now. She giggled again which made my fists clench together.
"Silly, Ginevra! Finders keepers, I'm afraid! You should be more careful about where you leave things!"
"Sorry to be rude but who the hell is marrying you?!" Hermione smirked but her voice shook with anger. I grinned at Hermione.
"Dean Thomas," Cho smiled and I laughed. "Does he treat you like a china doll too? Does he treat you like a baby? Because I was, and when I gave him up, I landed in a much, much, much better situation!" I wiggled my finger where my engagement ring glinted beautifully.
"My future husband, Harry James Potter, has asked me to marry him!" It was my turn to smile sweetly at Cho and I saw her eyes flash with jealousy and anger.
"Ginevra, don't act all cocky about how you got the Chosen One because when I was with him he looked right through you," Cho smiled wickedly, "I don't care if you got Harry. I don't care that you two are together. It just pleases me that Harry once loved me just like he loves you now, how I was the first person he loved truly, how he had never even thought about you. It pleases me that you would never of gotten him if I hadn't out of the way...."
WHAM!!!! My fist made contact with Cho's smirking face and she was knocked to the floor by the force of my punch, black hair flying out. I raised my fist again, very tempted to strike again at Cho's bleeding nose but Hermione and Luna held me off. I shrugged them off my arms and I bent down and picked up the wedding dress that was lying next to Cho.
"Stay away from me and my Harry, you bitch, " I whispered and my voice cracked from the strain to prevent myself from bursting into sobs.
Yay I remembered to update on Christmas! Hope you enjoyed, feel free to comment, massive thank you's to those who have been voting and hope you all had a good Christmas if you're in my time zone.

After the Battle of Hogwarts. Hinny / RomioneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt