Chapter 40

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(Hermione's POV)
I'm so happy for Harry and Ginny about their child! When I got home from the Burrow the night Harry and Ginny announced the news to the rest of the family, I burst into happy tears when it suddenly hit me that I was going to be an aunt.
Harry was starting to recover from his injuries, slowly but definitely recovering. He has his own special stick to support his weight on for when he walks although he hates using it as he says it makes him look weak and it also makes him look old. Ginny was doing an excellent job of looking after him as Harry sometimes got grumpy and prickly whenever people so little as brushed past him or gave him too much sympathy because of his injuries.
I went to work reading the Daily Prophet which had somehow discovered the big news that famous Harry Potter was soon to be a father. Nobody in the Wizarding World apart from family and friends of the Potters knew that Harry was even married and there had been a lot of discussion about it; I expect Harry will be interviewed when he gets to work today.
I walked into my office at the Ministry and set down my briefcase, clicked it open, and took out all my paperwork about elfish rights. I couldn't believe I owned the small business, it was like SPEW in fourth year, except more serious and a lot more followers. As I began shuffling papers and arranging them into piles, a knock at my door was heard.
"Come in," I called and a business-looking wizard marched in.
"Hermione Weasley?" He asked, uncertainly.
"That's me," I said, looking down at my paperwork again. "Who are you?"
"Ah, I'm Mr Griffiths, I'm now Head of one of the department offices - I'll get to that later," said the wizard.
I got the impression that he wanted a long talk with me so I indicated the spare seat in front of my desk.
"Please, have a seat."
The wizard sat and looked at me.
"Mrs Weasley, I'm Mr Griffiths and I'm head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Before you were promoted to be head of what you work as, I heard that you achieved ten OWLs and many NEWTs too! That proves that you are a very intelligent person. My department would like to offer you a promotion and join the Magical Law Enforcement, you shall earn more Galleons as it is more important and you shall get more days off as you aren't running the department. We are seriously running low on witches and wizards in our department and we have searched through all Ministry worker's files to see how successful they were at school and, well, I have come to you. Do you accept the offer?"
"Oh," I said, utterly baffled at how quickly he had gone into this. I thought about it for a moment. Yes, it would be nice to work in a more important part of the Ministry and to have more time at home and still earning lots of money, but I felt guilty about those poor enslaved house-elves.
"I'm delighted by this offer, Mr Griffiths, and it is really tempting, but I shall think about the offer first and then I shall send you an owl once I have made up my mind," I said.
"Splendid," beamed the jolly man who seemed to remind me of Amos Diggory.
He got up and shook hands with me.
"I really can't believe I'm meeting you, Mrs Weasley," he grinned, "seeing as you have an Order of Merlin 2nd Class for taking huge actions with Harry Potter during the Battle! Speaking of Potter, I know you're a jolly good friend of his so I hope you wouldn't mind getting an autograph for my son? He's a huge fan, you know!"
"Of course, I'm sure Harry won't mind," I laughed and Mr Griffiths, after thanking me, marched out of my office door.
"Ron, I'm home!" I called out into my house. I knew Ron would be home before me, for once, as he had been out all night catching this nutter who put the Imperius Curse on some poor, innocent Muggles for a laugh.
"Hey!" He called back and moments later he appeared into the hallway. I kissed him on the cheek before making my way into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie that Ron had left out for me. Munching it, I then walked upstairs with Ron following behind me, and I walked into our bedroom.
"You ok?" Ron asked, "you seem a bit quiet."
I ignored this.
"Guess what?" I said slowly, trying very hard not to show my excited smile.
"What?" Asked Ron, curiously.
"I've been given a job offer in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement!" I blurted out, beaming from ear to ear.
"Mione that's fantastic!" Cried Ron, hugging me tight. "I'm guessing you accepted it, right?!"
"Well, not exactly...." I began.
"You're joking."
"I felt bad about the house elves if I left and stopped all my work for them...."
"Hermione Jean Weasley," said Ron, looking straight into my eyes with his big blue ones. "You haven't changed much since you were, what, fourteen? Fifteen? The house elves enjoy slavery and hard working. They don't want to be paid, they don't want to be given holidays or sent off work for being sick, and they don't mind being treated bad sometimes. It was just Dobby as a one off who wanted to be free. No other house elf wants to be free! You heard what Winky said in year four!"
"You're right," I said, slowly, "I'll go for the job."
Hello! Not sure on this chapter; was it a bit pointless? I just thought that it would be nice to show what actually happened in Hermione's work life to make it seem more realistic. Please comment for any improvements or opinions!

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