Chapter 1: Am I a Therian/Otherkin?

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DISCLAIMER: This questionnaire will not and does not officially tell if your a therianthrope or an otherkin. Finding that out is up to you. This quiz will only help you along.

1: Do you ever experience dreams or memories of being a different creature?
a: Yes, often.
b: Maybe, one or two times
c: Not really

2: Do you ever feel a tingly sensation were a non human body part should be, (such as a tail) and feel as if you could physically touch it?
a: Yes! It's happened before.
b: I might have...
c: What are you talking about?

3: Do you ever feel uncomfortable being a human? Like it doesn't feel natural?
a: It's like that for me every day...
b: I feel like that sometimes.
c: I'm comfortable in my skin.

4: Do you have unnatural urges, such as the need to bark or howl?
a: Yes. It's quite strange.
b: Sometimes when I'm really emotional.
c: What? No.

5: Do you believe you could be a therian/otherkin?
a: Yeah!
b: It's possible.
c: Doubt it.

All A's:
There's a good chance you could be a therian/otherkin! Try checking out websites and talking to others about their awakening.
(When an otherkin/therian discovers they are an otherkin/therian)

All B's and A's
There is a good likelihood of you being a therian/otherkin. Keep concentrating on picking up the little signs that could help you find out if you're a therian/otherkin.

All B's
You could be a therian/otherkin, but it's not very likely. Learn more about therianthropy and being an otherkin, and find out if you relate.

More than 2 C's
You are most likely not a therian/otherkin, but don't worry! Don't try to force on therianthropy and otherkinship, just relax. Your perfect just the way you are.

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