Chapter 3: Finding Your Name/s.

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    After discovering your kintype, it's a good idea to find out your name. It's not at all necessary, but it does helps with connecting more to your kin. Most creatures don't even identify with a name, unless they were given one. They usually use smell instead, but it would be a bit awkward to go around memorizing everyone's smell. (And very difficult.)


1: Dreams
   Names are quite often found in dreams, and the practice of finding your name through sleep has been used for years. Many Native American tribes used dreams to decide a name for themselves.

   When finding your name through dreams, you must be very careful not to just dream the name your want. You must remind yourself not to. You must also write down your dreams in order to interpret and remember them.  Once you've had a significant dream, you can kind of feel it. If your not sure what it means, study it over and perhaps take a look at some dream interpreting guides.

2: Meditation

   Meditation is a very commonly used method of name finding. When finding your name through meditation, it's good to just let your mind do the work. Your name is significant and you will be able to coax your subconscious into allowing you to know what it is.
   To meditate, follow the instructions on my previous chapter, or just find the way that works for you. Remember to write down your name, so you won't forget.

3: Pencil and Paper

   The pencil and paper method is probably one of the easier ways to discover what your name is. It's not 100% guarantee to work every time, but then again, none of the methods are.
What you do is take one pencil/writing utensil, and one piece of paper. (the type of paper doesn't really matter)
Next, try to get into a state of meditation or deep relaxation, pencil in hand, paper on lap (most likely supported by a book or hard object) sitting up, and eyes shut.
Then, once you've gotten yourself into that state, put your pencil on the paper, and start drawing swirls, or just little things. Remember to have your eyes shut!
Begin to repeat, "I need to know my name. Show me please." You can say it out loud, or in your head.
After awhile, you will start to feel gentle tugs on your hand.
Allow the gentle tugs to show you your name, and continue to draw.
Once you feel the tugs stop, open your eyes. On the paper will most likely be some slightly legible name. It will probably be kind of hard to read it, but once you figure it out, write it down.

If any of the methods do not work on the first few tries, just try again, or use a different one.

Remember, DO NOT force a name. It's a bit difficult not to, but try your hardest. We do not choose our names, even if we really want to.

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