Chapter 11

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I started to blush and my hands got all sweaty. Had that really just happened, or had i just imagined it? Louis chuckled. It was only then i realised that i was still ontop of him and i started to blush even more....ooh...awkward.

My throat was dry and scrathy, i couldn't say anything, and even if i could, i wouldn't know what to say. I nervously bit my bottom lip. Louis' smile grew even bigger, his eyes glistened. I realsed my lip from the grip inbetween my teeth and flashed a smile. 

Louis pulled me close onto his chest, his warmth filling my body as i was engulfed in his warm embrace. I looked into his eyes once again. They were just like two blue sparkling orbs. One of the main things i love about him, but,what didn't i love about him. Wait, what was i saying, love?No i didn't love him, i only just met him, i couldn't love him, could i?

We were just about to go in for another kiss when we heard a phone ring in the bushes. We both raised our eyebrows at eachother as we turned out heads to face the gap in the bush. What? I heard some mumbling form in the bushes.


'Turn it off!'

'They'll hear us!'

'I'm trying!'

All 4 of those voices were far too familiar. Me and Louis turned our heads to eachother and started laughing.

I climbed off Louis and took my previous seat next to him.

'Come on you guys,' Louis chuckled.

'Maybe if we don't respond, they'll forget about us!' An irish accent muttered. Really? Did they think we were that stupid? I walked over to the dark bush and pushed at aside, revealling a very small spot in which Amy, Ebony, Niall and Harry had been squatted, probably since the beginning. I rolled my eyes at them as they smiled sweetly back.

I walked back over to Louis and sat down.My four veryguilty friendscame over and sat down infront of us, i crossed my arms at them, as if in a very frustated way. They had some explaining to do.

'And why exactly were you all in the bushes watching us?' i questioned them, this had better be a good explanation.

'We errr..we er.. we... wee.... liked the forest scenery?' Harry said, sounding unsure.

'The forest scenery, in a bush?' I tried not to sound too amused and kept a straight face.

'Ermm..yeahh?' he shrumk back a bit. Really no other excuse, well this was boring.

'So you guys weren't watching us or anything?' I said, once again raising my eyebrows.

'No.' Amy replied a little too quickly.

'So in that case, what did you-' i was very quicckly cut off.

'OH MY GOD , look at the time, we have to go, i'll see you at mine later, bye!' Ebony shouted as she and the other three charged out the clearing. What. The. Hell?

Me and Louis stared at eachother in amusement. Our friends were all... wierd..very wierd. After an awkward 5 seconds of silent stares, we both burst out laughing.

I wiped some tears away from my eyes. Louis got up and held his hand out towards me. Come on, it's getting late.' My heart sunk slightly.

It was over, one of the most perfect nights of my life, over. I sighed slightly before taking his hand.

'What, whats wrong?' He furrowed his eyesborws at me.

'It..It's just, tonight was pefect, and now it's over.' He smiled at me f=before engulfing me in another one of his warm hugs. He took my hand as we walked out of the clearing and into the wide open forest.

The air was a little cooler out here and i started to shiver slightly. Louis must have noticed as he pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. My body started to warm up instantly under his warm touch. He really was perfect, wasn't he?

In no time at all we reached my house and i turned to face him. We stared at eachother for a minute. I suddenly noticed Louis had started twiddling his thumbs. He looked nervous.

'S-So errr, Rachel i was just wondering if you wanted, you know, you and i to errr, what i mean to say is i would really love it if ermmm...' He was rubbing the back of his neck. I gigled at his cuteness and grabbed hod of his hands, they were so much bigger than mine.

'Louis, i would love to be your girlfriend.' His face suddenly broke into a massive grin. His clear blue eyes were the lightest i had ever seen them. He pulled me into a hug, it must have lasted for a long time because my body slowly started to ache from his grip.

We said goodbye before i walked into my house and strode up the stairs. I closed the door and flopped onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. I found myself grinning slightly. Scratch that. Massively. Life was amazing. I had amazing friends, a great family, and now a gorgeous new boyfriend, could life get any better?

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