Chapter 13

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My eyes flew wide open and i shot up from my previous sleeping position. My vision was fuzzy and i was drenched in sweat. My chest rose and fell so quickly, it didn't feel possbe. Soon it dawned on me that none of that really happened, it was just a dream. Well, not a dream, a nightmare.

I closed my eyes and steaded up my breathing, wiping the small beads of sweat from my brow. That really was a horrible nightmare. My eyes adjusted to the light and i looked around me. Amy was collapsed on the sofa and Ebony was lying next to me on floor, mouth agape. 

You see, this was usually the result of one of our sleepovers. Each of us in our own seperate dream world after a night of movies, sweets and non stop talking. It didn't help that this time we ended up going to sleep at around 3 in the morning, not good. Going to sleep late usually something bad would happen in my little world, usually it was fine, but this time i wish i was in their world, and not mine.

I gently reached my arm over a completely outcold Ebony to reach my phone. I couldn't help but laugh. Everytime im awake when someone else is asleep, i always start laughing, i don't really know what it is, but yeah, i just, do.

I unlocked my phone so i could look at the time. 05:27. Crap. Well, i'm not going back to sleep, so i guess i was just going to have to sit here and wait. Think about stuff. Like what the hell was that nightmare about? I needed to think about this, if it meant something, not about in the 'real world', but about my trust. Hello brain, welcome to an early morning battle with yourself, have fun.

This is going to be a very, very, very long morning.


'Hey, are you okay, you haven't been very focused this morning,' Eleanor said as she swept the last bit of hay into the skip bucket, snapping me out of my daydream.

Truth was, i wasn't okay. The nightmare had been bugging me the whole morning, that, aswell as my lack of sleep, was not a good combination. Just then i felt a light buzz in my jodpur pocket, signalling that i had a text.

I unlocked my phone to find a text from Louis. I was filled with excitment, but also of dread. I took in a deep breath as i opened up the text. A smile crept on my face as i read it, but then i also felt a twang of guilt.

From: Looouiiissssss

Hey babe, good late morning :D

Hope you slept well, want to meet up later, i miss you x

Carrot King xx

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle for the last part. I'd only known him a short time and i had realised that he loved to make up quirky names from himself, some people would find it arrogant or annoying, i just found it cute.

After my little battle in my brain this morning, i had decided not to tell him about my nightmare. It was just a moment of weakness, something that happens naturally when someone like that goes for someone like me, itwas doubt. All i knew was that i trusted Louis. I trusted him with my heart.

I had been so busy in my own thoughts that i hadn't noticed Eleanor come beside me and read my text. Oh no.

'Well, well.... whos this then?' Eleanor said smirking at me.

'HIs names Louis, and hes my...' I was quickly cut off.

'Boyfriend?' She said, playfulness in her tone. I really did hate her sometimes.

'Well, er actually.... ermm. he...' I couldn't form my words properly. I was a really bad liar. To my luck Jaz came round the corner and cut off this really awkward situation.

'What are you two doing, shouldn't you be doing the muck heap or something?' She questioned. 

If you hadn't already guessed i was at my yard. Most of my other friends were here, althought they were older than me. I had my lessons on wednesdays here and helped out on saturdays. It used  up some of my extra time i had left over...... and there was a lot of it.

'Rachel has a boyfriend!' Eleanor shouted. Well this just got so much more...

'OMG OMG OMG WHATS HIS NAME. WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Awhh thats so cute, awh, awh, awh!' Harriet screamed, running out her stable.

Awkward. Oh well, i guess they would find out sooner or later.

I told them all about how Louis and i met, about our first date, about him standing up for me with the Chelsea situations. At first they were confused, as one of the workers at my yard was named Chelsea, but when i explained to them who it was, it soon cleared the air. Just thought i would mention, yard Chelsea is just Chels, where as Chelsea from school is 'Wealthy Chelsea', i guess you can sort of guess why her names that, i don't really have to tell you. I even showed them some pictures of him.

'Wow... He's hot!' Harriet said, mouth agape. 'When do we get to meet him' She asked tilting her head to the side, a sly smirk plastered on her face.

'Never, you'll scare him off, Harri!'

'No i wont'!' Harriet cried, hands thrown in the air.

We all looked at her, with the 'Oh yes you would and you know it' look. She just shrugged it off and returned to doing her stable.

Thats what i loved about our yard, we could insult eachother as much aswe wanted, and nobody cared. It always cheered me up, and that's all i needed right now.

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