chapter 5- Lovely Surprises

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*Ross pov* *Lima*

It was late and I couldn't sleep. Tony had been tired from the party and Ryder playing chicken with his fingers. He fell asleep hours ago, but I laid there wide awake.

I looked over at the clock it was 1:17 AM. I slipped quietly out of bed and down the stairs. I saw the kitchen light on and walked in to see Ryder sitting at the table.

"You can't sleep either huh?" I asked and Ryder shook his head.

"No, I haven't really slept well since Josh bailed on me." Ryder said and I shook my head.

"I know what you mean, it's hard sleeping when you are used to having someone there and suddenly they are gone." I said and the tears formed in my eyes.

"Wait, did you and Tony split?" Ryder asked.

"No, but after all the mean things I said to him I think that's where we are headed. I never meant any of it I was just so mad that they took our son from us, it was easier to be mad at him because he was there." I said and Ryder hugged me tight.

"He won't leave you, but I do believe that it may not be a bad idea to talk to him about this tomarrow after school. I'm sure Mr. Schue will let you sit in on glee practice, you know since your glee club can't compete with us until nationals. If we make it that far this year." Ryder said and I sighed.

"I think you will, and I think if these kids at my school can dance and sing as well as they claim then we will be seeing you guys there." I replied and my phone vibrated so I pulled it out and I had a text from Cat.

Cat: Can we start tomarrow instead of monday?

Me: I'm out of town visiting my boyfriend and friends this weekend or we would start tomarrow.

Cat: oh, kk

Ryder looked at me and laughed.

"Please tell me that girls name isn't really Cat." Ryder laughed.

"I don't know, but that's what everyone calls her. And her hair is cherry red. The kids are crazy talented, but they are weird." I said shaking my head as we headed upstairs.

"Is there any good drama there?" Ryder asked and I shook my head.

"No, it seems like Lima is drama central in America. Honestly these kids are boring people when they aren't annoying you." I said as I made it back to the bedroom.

I slowly opened the door and slipped back into bed, pulling Tony into my embrace. I felt him cuddle back against me and I smiled. I felt my eyelids get heavy and I closed my eyes falling asleep in minutes.

*The next morning*

I felt a hand rubbing my chest and I opened my eyes to see Tony looking at me. I smiled and pulled him to me. I missed having him in my arms. I wished that things could go back to the way they were, but I knew that couldn't happen.

"Good morning Rossy." He said innocently.

"Good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" I replied and he nodded.

"I slept much better than I have in months. It was the first time I didn't stress about us or not having the baby. I was just thankful you were able to come here and not yell." He explained and I shook my head.

"I'm so sorry about all of it, you never should have had to deal with it. I should have been more loving with you." I said and he hugged me.

"We can talk about it after glee today. Are you going to come sit in on rehearsal?" He asked and I nodded.

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