Privacy in Dorm Room 210: Co-existence

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Chapter 5:


The end of the day appeared faster than anticipated, leading to Justin's discovery on a few important things:

Number one: planning a day to the final touches will rarely work as a university student and having a counteract plan in steady motion should always be a necessity.

Number two: being a dick to nice people will only make the day feel longer and should be avoided at all times unless for emergency purposes - that also included being a dick to dicky people who deserved said dickishness.

Number three: never trust weird people that go by the name of Nick as they will disappear.

Which ironically linked to number four: book a time-slot in advance before heading to the library.

The earliest time he found was at nine forty-five that night, giving Justin a fifteen minute window to login, print his timetable and leave with it in his hands.

Sitting at the computer while the campus lights lit the almost-vacant building, Nick had been right about the printers backlog. Seven student numbers were waiting ahead. One in particular printing over forty-five pages. Justin had to thoroughly rubbed his eyes, believing he misjudged what he saw.

The computers scattered around the library, but the printer was located at the centre near the front desk, the loud machine echoing around the building. The librarian, an older guy with long silver hair and a limp in his walk, who was rather understanding when Justin explained he just needed his timetable, was scanning the pile of books on a trolley, blending with the printer. The sounds were what kept Justin's focus.

"Oh, fucking brilliant."

Justin followed the voice where he spotted two students hovering over the printer. One in a leather jumper, and other in a pink robe with yellow stars and moons. The latter banged her forehead against the wall beside her, groaning. Something about her face marked familiarity.

Knowing eventually he'd have to make his way to the printer, Justin took the liberty to move, and if given the chance, figure out what was causing the student in her pyjamas to curse in an empty library where several others remained, trying to collect their papers.

"All I need is one more reason," the girl muttered against the wall. The person in leather beside her ignored her completely. "And over a stupid thesis, too. I wouldn't mind if it was fucking Luke at this point."

Justin's eyes widen. "Um, hey."

The girl groaned again. "Yeah, yeah. I'm too loud. Sorry. I'll be quiet."

"You're Priscilla, right?"

She had yet to face him. "If someone by the name of Luke put you up to whatever dumb ass plan he had, please tell him to go sleep with an exhaust, for the lack of colourful words."

"I haven't seen him today," he answered honestly. "Not sure if you remember, but I'm Justin. I met you and your friends at Building E yesterday."

At that, she turned. "Oh. Sorry, I'm kind of drained and my mind's not working."

He nodded. "I'm slowly getting there."

"How've you been?" she asked, straightening up. "I take it your second day at campus has been interesting."

"Just chasing up paperwork for when I start classes," he said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just..." She whipped a bundle of loose printed paper in her hand, pulling a strange face.

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