Privacy in Dorm Room 210: Changing Accordingly

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Chapter 2:

Changing Accordingly

Once the Guides left the two roommates to attend their luggage, it struck Justin how little time it had been since he last saw Aubrey.

His fingers rubbed together, remembering the curls that ran through her shoulder-length brown hair. And other than the tattoo inked on her wrist, she was just the same six months ago; attractive and haunting.

But it appeared to Aubrey, on the other hand, that if he were on the brink of collapsing under a bridge that would lead to his death, she wouldn't bat an eyelash.

Perhaps it was the recognition of where he stood with her that made him turn around and leave the dorm too.

Hands stuffed in his pockets, he strolled down the stone pathway towards the back entrance of Building E. Really, how did anyone, much less the Head of campus, decided building a separate dormitory was a justice towards those with special requirements? And he fit the bill, no less. Justin didn't over-think things too much, that wasn't his nature, but this...puzzle had him spewing. Where exactly was the formula to all this?

Stepping through the glass door, air-con running on a moderate level, the sounds of people talking gave Justin an incentive. He needed a distraction from this wack of a mess. He strolled through the clean and organised halls of Building E, its simple design covered with walls of art, photographs of achievements, and posters of last year's contests, functions and events. Fresh pieces of coloured paper marking today's date were labeled with a "What's happening?" feature, as well as names that many could contact for support.

Would Building A have the same layout and publicity as Building E's? He supposed the only way to find out was to have a look for himself. He shrugged. Classes didn't start until next week. He had time.

Voices grew louder as Justin veered on. He spotted a group of guys and one girl in a lab coat having a discussion among themselves. Two were in overalls covered in grease, and the smell of petrol hinting behind something metallic stained the air. He found it reassuring, like his dad after coming home from work. He would also be covered in grease.

Justin walked up to them with a sheer amount of confidence. One of the guys noticed him straight away.

"Hey," Justin said, reaching the group.

"Hey man," the guy who noticed him said. "You looking for something?"

He sighed through his mouth. "Honestly, just cruising around, looking for something to occupy my time."

The girl in the lap coat nodded at him. "You must be a new student."

One of the guys in the overalls, shorter and paler than the rest, scoffed. "Can't go making assumptions, Priscilla."

"Hello, dumb ass, no one just goes 'cruising 'round' here unless they're new, 'cause we all know people have enough on their plates already than to waste their time. Clearly he'd have a regular spot to hang out at otherwise."

The guy who first noticed Justin laughed. "You always cop it the worst, Luke."

Luke sighed. "Fuck, I know. All right." He faced Justin with a grin. "What's your name?"


"Aye, I have a brother with the same name," said the other guy in the overalls, much taller and darker. He took his hand out for him. "I'm Jeremiah. Nice to meet you, my friend."

Justin didn't care about his hand getting dirty, happily shaking it with Jeremiah. "You too."

"Mac." The guy who spotted him also shook his hand.

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