Full Steam Ahead

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{No ones pov}
It's been almost 2 months since Addylin arrived in the studio for the first time. She was nervous and really lacked self belief. The tour begins tomorrow and Addilyn,Delta,Renee,Lea,Brian and Delta's manager Jo are almost all packed and are in the studio for some final touches and just to relax with each other. Addilyn has been helping Delta with a few songs since her back up singers Christine and Sharon haven't been able to make every single rehearsal. Delta is starting to like the fact of having Addilyn as a backup singer, she thinks their tones work really well together. At about 6:30pm Addilyns mother has arrived to pick her up.

{Addilyns pov}
I can't believe we leave tomorrow. I'm so excited and I've had so,so, so much fun these past 2 months. Though time has flown by I think that everyone is totally ready. Delta and I have become so close, she is pretty much like my big sister.

{Brian's pov}
I'm so proud of how far everyone has come in just 2 short months, especially Addylin. She has adapted really well into this environment and I can tell she is going to really enjoy the tour life. Delta and Renee have been so loving and they have treated Addilyn like a little sister. Delta hasn't over done it once, I think it has something to do with having Addilyn here that makes her think a little bit more.

{Renees pov}
Everyone is sitting around just enjoying each other's company. I'm so happy with the beautiful group of people that we are traveling with this time, I can tell it's going to be a blast. Addilyn has come such a long way in just 2 months. To be honest I thought she would still be a little shy, but she has gained so much knowledge from working with Delta that she has so much more confidence in herself.

{Jo's pov}
To be quite honest looking around the room when Addilyn first stepped into the studio I didn't think that Delta had made the best choice. Never the less I'm glad I allowed her to go ahead. Delta has cared so much for Addilyn and has really supported her through. I'm glad She hasn't over done it and she still has so much energy to be used on tour.

{Deltas pov}
So we leave for the tour tomorrow, I can't believe it's been 2 months already. Addilyn has improved every day and she has really surprised me with the talent she has offered the crew. She has been such a big help when Christine and Sharon haven't been able to make it, I am so proud of her and I'm so excited for tomorrow I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Katie walks on in at 6:30 as she has done every night for the past 2 months, it's kind of a routine now. Having a younger member in the team has really benefited us all, everyone comes into the studio each day fully rested cause we all leave when Katie comes. It's given us so much more energy each day to rehearse to our full potential.

Renee and I head home once Addilyn has gone so that we can finish packing... And watch another episode or 2 of Bewitched haha.
When we arrived home clothes were getting fired everywhere, suitcases were being sat on just to get them closed and there was a lot of laughter at absolutely nothing. After about an hour we are both packed, we decide to order pizza cause it's too late to cook and then watch some Bewitched.
It's 10 o'clock now and we have watched like 6 episodes and have eaten so much pizza. Renee is asleep on the couch and I really cant be bothered moving. Luckily there is a stash of blankets under the couch so I chuck one at Renee and snuggle up. "Wha, what was that for?" Renee said sleepily. "Just go to sleep" I replied "we have a big day ahead of us" Renee and I drifted off to sleep both with smiles on our faces and excitement rushing through our blood.
"Shoot sorry Delts... I didn't mean to wake you" Renee said. "It's fine" I reply "I think I need to get up now, I'm kind of hungry" my stomach makes a really loud grumbling sound "okay I'm very hungry" I laugh, sit up and see the suitcases leaning against the wall. "OMG RENEE!!!! THE TOUR" I shouted so loud Renee dropped the pan again. "Well Delta look at the time you have an hour till we have to leave so you'd better hurry" Renee says picking up the pan and pouring pancake mixture into it. I don't know how she is so organised i think to myself as I rush down the hall.
I have a shower put on a cute dress that Brian brought me for my birthday and I head on downstairs.
Renee has made me the best breakfast ever, pancakes, mixed berries and a nice strong coffee. We ways like to eat breakfast together, it's just our way of catching up when we are too busy to see each other during the day. Renee pauses with her mouth open expecting food to jump into it. "Isn't it Addilyns birthday while we're on tour?" She finally says. "Omg it is" I reply "we have to plan something special for her... Like really special" "we will have to plan it later Delta cause look at the time... and we have to get all these bags into the car." Renee says in a rush. I get up quickly Renee does the dishes while I sort all the rubbish out from last night.
Once we have finally got all the bags in the car we lock up the house and head on down to the studio to meet the others.

Everyone is already at the studio when we arrive, but I guess that's lucky for us cause now there are more people to help with all our bags haha. Brian comes running over and gives me a warm loving hug. "Are you ready for this babe?" He says "oh I was born ready Brian" I reply back. I look around to find Addilyn and I see her standing up really close to her mum. I walk over and as I get closer I can see that her mum is tearing up. "Katie?? Is everything alright?" I ask. "Everything is fine Delta. My baby girl is just growing up so fast and I'm going to miss her, that's all" she says with a single tear running down her cheek. "Mrs Summers, I promise I will look after Addilyn like she is my little sister. She is my responsibility and I will do everything to make sure I bring her home safe and sound" I reassure her. I can see that Addilyn has bought her dad and a few friends along. I chat to them all and take pics before being told I had to get going by Jo. "Delta I just want to say thank you for this, you really are such a sweet person and I am forever thankful for this amazing opportunity that you have given my daughter" Katie says with even more tears rolling down her cheeks. I gave her a tight hug and let Addylin say goodbye to everyone, before heading over towards the buses. There are 2 buses for the tour, the first bus is for everyone backstage and in the band and the second bus is for Renee, Brian, Mum, Addilyn, Sharon and Christie, Jo and I.

Once everyone was on the buses we were all waving out the windows as I yelled out "First stop Newcastle!!!! FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!!"

I hope this made up for the short chapter before this one. Thanks for reading. Will try publish more often but no promises. Love and Light ❤️❤️

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