Road Trip Begins

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{Deltas pov}
As we turn the corner, heading away from the studio, everyone slumps into their seats. The road trip hasn't even started, but everyone looks so exhausted. "What's wrong with everyone?" I ask. "Let's start the tour with a Big Bang!!!" I turn up the radio and wow... In This Life comes on. "At least we all know the words" Brian says cheekily. Everyone laughs and starts singing and dancing, everything is going so smoothly.

Since the trip is only about 2 hours long I don't feel the need to sleep and I don't think anyone else is going to drift off anytime soon. After a few songs have been played on the radio, it turns into talk shows and interviews.
Brian gets up to turn down the volume and everyone goes quiet.

My phone lights up with a loud noise to accompany it. At least it's broken the awkward silence but it's Katie and she wouldn't call this early on if it wasn't really urgent.
"Hello" I say cautiously down the phone. "Hi Delta, it's Katie, sorry to bother you so early into the trip but Addilyn has left her phone at home and it has a billion messages on it.... Let's just say that they aren't very nice messages either." Katie sounds really worried and is talking super fast. "Don't worry" I say reassuringly down the phone "I'll check on Addilyn, I mean I'll go talk to her and get her a new phone so she can keep in touch with you and her friends" I start to leave the room because I realise everyone is listening and I don't want them swarming over Addilyn on her first day away. "Thank you so much Delta I really appreciate it. I don't think that she'll want to speak to me about this stuff so thank you." Katie sounds relieved. "No problem. I'll call you later on and let you know how I go. Make sure you email me a list of Addilyn's contacts so that she knows their numbers." I'm really trying to get Katie to relax. "Ok will do Delta, talk soon" she hangs up.

I'm kind of stuck in a situation that could go either way. If I ask Addilyn about the messages she could completely open up or she could shut me down and not want to talk to me at all.
I walk back into the main area of the bus where everyone is and take a seat next to Renee. I gasp quietly "Renee?? Where's Addilyn?" I whisper. "I'm not sure" she replies "I think she left after In This Life finished"
"Ok I'm gonna go have a look in our room. Cover for me" I whisper again. "Ok...Delts, is everything alright?" She asks. "It will be" I say as I walk off towards my room.

I walk in to find Addilyn curled up on her bed. She's buried her face into her pillow and I can't tell whether she's asleep or upset. "Addilyn?" I whisper "are you ok?"
"I'm fine" she replies choking on her words. "Addilyn you clearly are upset and just letting you know that I'm not leaving your side until I get you smiling" I reply.

She gets up within a few minutes of me standing there, her eyes are so bloodshot from crying and her cheeks are saturated.
I sit on her bed, not saying anything, I put my arm around her and hold her until she stops sobbing.
It takes her about 20mins of silence for her to calm down before I say "Listen Addilyn, I'm here if you need me, just when your ready we can talk about it"
There's a bit of a pause and then... "H, How did y, you know?" She questions. "You won't like this" I reply "but you left your phone at home and your mum saw the messages so she called," there's another pause this one feels like it lasts a whole lot longer.
"Delta? Why are people so mean?" She questions before bursting into tears. "Oh sweetie, calm down just take deep breaths and let it out, trust me it's better to let it out." I hold her tighter and just wait for her to be ready.

"She's my best friend Delta... Best friends aren't supposed to be that mean to each other, I don't understand, it's just too hard, maybe I shouldn't of come" Addilyn says while holding back her tears. "Addilyn, sweetie I need you on this tour, you also need a bit if time away if she is being this nasty. I completely understand how you feel and the emotions you are going through right now are really tough. Just know that I am here all the time, if you need me just come talk to me, I'm not a mind reader... Even though I like to think I am. But If I'm not around or able to talk go to Renee, we are pretty much the same person haha. I want you to have the time of your life on this tour, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity even though with a voice like yours I can tell it won't be the last time you get to do this stuff. Addilyn I'm going to be here every step of the way and I will try my best to keep you as positive as possible" I assured her.
"Thank you Delta, I'll try to talk next time. I just didn't know how to approach you" she replied.
"It's okay I understand it's not easy to approach someone for help. I'll try my best to keep an eye out, but if I miss something please tell me. Oh by the way we are going phone shopping when we get to New Castle." I explained. "Really? I haven't had a new phone for ages" Addilyn says looking a bit happier now. "Well it's better late than never. How bout some songs to help you through this journey?" I ask. Addilyn nods so I get out my portable keyboard that stays on the bus and start playing Be Strong.

After ages of playing the keyboard and singing with Addilyn Renee bursts into the room.
"WE'RE HERE!!!" She exclaims.
A massive grin appears on Addilyns face, I run over, give her a massive hug and say "that's what I've been waiting for!"

Firstly I apologise for not updating in like forever. Trust me I've been wanting too. I've been so so so busy and I'm really tired but I promised I would update today.
Sorry if the chapter isn't very amazing, I blame writers block and exhaustion. Thanks for the support❤️ let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters. Love&Light ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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