Chapter 3

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"Yo! I'm awake! I'm awake." I yelled when my dad came upstairs for the second time to wake me up at six o'clock.

"Sstt...!" He shushed, "Your mom is still asleep." He whispered.

"Sorry!" I whispered back. "I made you some breakfast downstairs." He said.

I smiled, "Thanks." I still whispered. "I'll go change and then I will come down."

He nodded "Okay, but don't take that long, we leave in 20 minutes!"

I nodded and quickly changed in a pair of dark jeans, a black short-sleeved T-shirt and my black Nikes. I also grabbed my black Coldplay-sweater because it was quite chilly this morning. 

I quickly got downstairs, and sat down at the table were my breakfast was being served. I quickly took a bite of my sandwich with cheese.

"Thanks dad!" I said with a full mouth. He chuckled.

"No probs honey!"

When I was finished, my dad grabbed his stuff and I mine; about all of my camera-stuff to make even more pictures today.

"Ready to go?" My dad asked. "Yes!" I said excited.

We got into the car and my dad drove to the arena. "Holy god..." I murmured.

It's 8 o'clock in the morning and there are already lots of fans...

"God, they're early today..." My dad said as he turned the car around the fans.

He parked the car at the back of the arena and we got out of the car. We walked inside and we had to sign in as crew at the security desk. When we got in the arena there already were lots of crew walking around. Most of the LED walls were up and I saw John walking around checking his light plan.

'Hey John!' My dad greeted the light engineer. 'Hey Jo and Dan!'

'Early, isn't it?' He said. 'Yeah, sure it is!' My dad said chuckling.

'Well, let's get started then...!' John said.

'Oh, dad, were can I drop my stuff?' I asked dad before he can run of.

'Uhm, come with me. I have some stuff too.'

'I will start to try to get the front-of-house ready!' John said. 'Yeah, we'll be there in a minute!'

We walked down the hall, and after a few doors he opened one and said: 'We can leave it here for a while.' I looked around the room; it looked like a dressing room.

"Whose dressing room is this?" I asked with curiosity.

"Oh, for the boys. But they will be here just after the midday. So we can leave it here till then." He said.

I nodded and left my stuff in the room. And we walked out again and headed to John to help him.


Niall's POV

It was Harry's idea to go to the gig of the Kaiser Chiefs here in London. It was a good show, I enjoyed it very much. It was a good break from our busy schedule. We also met the daughter of Dan Parker. She's a nice girl and quite funny too. I hope she is at our gig tomorrow. From the short time we have spent with her, I can say it's nice hanging out with her.

Now the boys and I are in our flat in London, watching movies. I didn't even know what movie we're watching right now... My eyes were heavy and just wanted to sleep then and there. I looked at my phone, 11:13 pm. I sighed; I'm tired as hell and we also have a show tomorrow.

Daughter of a Sound Engineer - Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now