Chapter 10

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When we landed in Ireland after a short flight we got to step out of the plane first. It was one of those planes where you didn't get to have the tube thing, but had to take the bus to the terminal. It was raining, but I loved it. Like, it was not a cold rain but nice. It smelled good too. Wow, am I weird? 

'What are you smiling about?' Niall asked as we both stepped down the steps of the plane. 'It's bloody raining!' He was putting up his hood of his jacket to hide from the falling rain. 

'Yea, so?' I said with a smile. 'I love it!' And I did a little twirl and Niall laughed at me. 'Come on!' He said and started to run to the bus who was waiting for us. I ran after him while laughing. 'You are so weird!' Niall said as we sat down in the bus. 'I love it.' He looked at me with a big grin and I couldn't stop smiling either. 

Everybody else entered the bus as well. All hiding under jackets because of the heavy rain. Tom gave me a look and I just smiled back at him. 'What?' I asked him as he passed me. 'Nothing! You are just very weird.' I grinned at his answer and sat back in my chair. 'Told you so...' I heard beside me. I looked at Niall and shoved him a bit. 'Shut up and let me enjoy a bit of rain.' He laughed at that. 

The bus started moving and before I knew it we were standing before the luggage belt, waiting for our bags. As I talked with dad and mum I saw that the boys were doing weird stuff on the other side. I saw that Louis had already took the opportunity to grab a cart and run up and down the ramp. I laughed at him as he almost crashed into the others. 'They are so weird.' Mom said with a smile. I grinned and agreed with her. 

'Sweetheart, please tell me about you and Niall...' My mum said to me. I looked over to her and I instantly started smiling while thinking of Niall. 'Oh god, it's that bad?' Mum said as she saw me smiling. 'I guess so...' I told her. I looked over to the boys who were still goofing around. I looked at Niall and as if he sensed it he looked over to me. He smiled at me and I returned it. 'I really like him, mom.' I said as I looked back to her. 'He is really sweet, talented, he has these beautiful blue eyes...' My mum nudged me in the side and smiled at me. 'I'm glad you are happy, Jo. And I'd like to get to know him better too!' I laughed and agreed with her. 'I'm sure that there will be a moment these upcoming days to meetup..' 

Finally all the bags arrived and we walked out of the main hall. When the boys came through the sliding doors all I could hear were screams. Holy shit! What the hell is that! The crew, my mom and I followed and it all became clear. Fans. Paul told us to keep walking. We tried to go outside through the mass of people. Jeez. Girls calm your tits down! We finally got outside and there were two buses waiting and a few taxi's. 

My mom grabbed my arm which made me turn around. 'I won't be going with you.' She said. 'I have a appointment at the office, after I will return to the hotel.' I nodded understandingly and hugged her tight. 'I'll see you tonight.' She said. And she turned to my father. 

I turned around to find Tom and the rest. They already were at the crew bus. I quickly walked over there. 'Holy shit, it's busy out there!' I said a little to loudly. The guys just laughed and Tom said; 'Well girly, it's always hectic with this band.' I huffed and gave my bags to the bus driver who put them inside the bus.

Before stepping inside I turned to look at the entrance of the airport. Still no sign of the band. 'Well, good luck with that boys...' I said to my self and stepped inside. My eyes widened at the interior of the bus. It was huge! I walked further in and saw Tom, John and David in the back at the seating area with this couch and small table. I joined them and sat down besides Tom and John. I joined their conversation and laughed along. When everybody was on the bus a few later it set off. So, I guess the boys made it out alive...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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