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The first day Peter was in the hospital, Ivory had visited him with a bunch of daisies in her hand, her face stained with tears and her hair in a messy bun on her head.

She walked up to the receptionist and asked her which room Peter was in.

"Room 206," the lady said, smiling at her sympathetically.

Ivory went into the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. As soon as the doors opened, she shot out and ran into room 206. She saw Peter lying on the hospital bed, eyes closed, the only sound being the steady beep beep beep of the ECG machine which was the only assurance that he was alive.

Ivory walked over to the table next to the bed and placed the flowers, as pale as her brother's face, on it. She then turned to him, and leaned over him, not giving a damn about the multiple tubes attached to him, and sobbed into his chest,

"Come back to me, you idiot!"

She talked to him, pretending as if he could listen,

despite being in a coma.

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