The Final Match

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Well, I finally got enough votes and this was the result! Enjoy. guys, I made myself cry writing this.

Oh yeah! Sorry for the length of this, by the way. I had a looooooot to stuff into one chapter.)

                                                                     The Final Match


    Iori yawned and tapped her fingers on the ground beside her. Sitting on her right was Ritsuko, and on her left was the recently-recovered Makoto, who was currently shaking rather violently. Over the past seven matches, the remaining three of the four girls they’d met had been wiped out, but the girls weren’t exactly worried; Lili and Leo had taken tips from the idols and faked a death when they thought they’d received enough injuries for it to look real, and Alisa, being a cyborg, could be easily repaired and sent back into the fray.

    Despite the fact that they knew the deaths had been faked, Iori and Makoto were still rather saddened by the matches; Leo had become a very close friend of Makoto’s and Lili was a mentor of sorts to Iori. Both girls also knew that based on the injuries Leo and Lili had needed to sustain to make their deaths look realistic, there was a chance the girls could bleed out and die for real.

    “Alright now, it’s time for the final match!” the announcer cheered. “Are you ready?!”

    The audience cheered.

    “Final match?” Iori echoed. “What the heck, there’s still…eight competitors left!”

    “This match will be an eight-person free for all,” the announcer continued. “All eight of the final competitors will battle it out in a battle royale! The last one standing is the winner!”

    Makoto cast Iori a glance, a small smile on her face. “I have to admit, that makes me pretty happy,” she said quietly. “I’ll be able to protect you; all three of you. Just promise you’ll make it easy.”

    “You’re still hurt,” Ritsuko pointed out. “Let Takane and I take care of ourselves. You just take care of Iori and yourself, got it?”

    Makoto frowned. “If they come too close to you and there’s something I can do, I’m going to do it.”

    “Fine. But don’t go out of your way for us. Even if you’ve recovered enough to fight, you’re still tremendously weakened, and I don’t want you making unnecessary sacrifices.”

    Makoto nodded in response.

    “The first four competitors; Ritsuko Akizuki, Iori Minase, Makoto Kikuchi, and Takane Shijou!” the announcer called. The four idols walked slowly down into the arena, where each one then went to a different corner. Makoto was limping slightly and Iori seemed to wobble just a bit, likely from her back injury from fighting with Anna, but each girl held her head high and stood straight as they could.

    “The next four competitors; Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima, Jin Kazama, and Lars Alexandersson!”

    The four men wandered down, each at his own pace, and went to different walls. Heihachi cackled and examined his opponents. Kazuya smirked across at his son, an excited gleam in his eye. Jin leaned against the wall and glared evenly at his father and grandfather. Lars took out his cellphone and made a quick call before returning the object to his pocket.

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