Part I

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To Whom it my concern:

This was in response to the Craigslist ad regarding experiences with extraterrestrials. 

Extraterrestrial Encounters- part I of III


   The black night was eerie with vile gusts of wind hitting the lower flap on my front door. It was day four of sleep deprivation, the last day I would look at the world in the same light. I was on the rocking chair on the porch reading H.P. Lovecraft's renown "Necronomicon" when suddenly a crimson ray flashed in the top corner of my peripheral vision. This wasn't one of those typical sightings you hear about on some AMC T.V. series, this was lucid. Noted that typically things become that way when you are on a higher dosage of Adderall. My doctor doesn't know my body as well as I do and for that reason I remain content with the portions I consume of my focus pills. Anyways about the burst of color that was just witnessed. So at this point I venture off the comfort of the wooden planks and step into the dark spruce forest of my backyard. Something was off putting, old yeller aka "chumbuck" was no where to be seen and the temperature dropped to what felt like subzero. The scrotal area of my body was non existent as if I had regressed to a prepubescent. I had to act fast for the trail was hot and I needed the warmth of mobility. Headed to the north ridge 100 yards yonder I pressed on. One step closer to a dream becoming a reality.

  Brushing back the evergreen branches the mountain side was showing a light glow with a steam substance elevating up. As I gathered closer to the crash a egg shaped meteoric rock was visible. The earth was radiating heat around the object and when I looked closer there was strange hieroglyphs on the perimeter of the rock. It was engraved with geometric shapes, what seemed to look like another solar system. Bewildered and in a state of disbelief I stepped back. My foot caught between some vegetation and I tripped. Luckily during the detrimental decent a tree stopped the momentum and saved my life. My lower right knee was throbbing in pain. Adrenaline pumping through my veins the affliction was the least of worries because below my knee was a viscous magenta blob. It wasn't the bushes that caught my foot it was something extraneous. 

Part II next...

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