Chapter 11

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The carnival was crowded.

It was summer so it was hot outside, but luckily you were right on the beach, so there was a gentle breeze.

You heart fluttered, being around Niall gave you horrible butterflies.

"So, what do you wanna ride first, love?" he asked

You looked around, you picked the first ride you saw, "That one." you pointed to the Ferris wheel.

He took your hand and led you toward the line.

"So, Miss (Y/N)," he smiled "tell me about you."

"Well, Mr. Niall. What do you wanna know?"

He thought for a minute, "tell me about your family."

"Well, i have two brothers; Kyle and Aaron. They're younger than me. We live with my dad, just the four of us." you told him.

"Ah, well hopefully i'll get to meet them one day." he winked

When it was finally your turn to get on the ride, you and Niall held up your bracelets, indicating that you paid.

You both walked up the stairs that led to your seat.

You sat down, the bench rocked back and fourth at the sudden weight.

The instructor pulled down the bar, so it sat in front of you, making sure you were safely and securely in the seat.

He walked back to the lever and pulled it forward.

The Ferris wheel started moving.

You felt a tight squeeze grip your hand.

"Are you okay?" you looked down at Niall's hands on yours.

"Something you should know about me love, i'm deathly afraid of heights." he said, starring at the ground.

"Niall! Then why'd you agress to get on this ride?!" you laughed

"Please distract me, (Y/N)." he pleaded, ignoring your question.

"Well first.." you lightly cupped his chin so he was facing you, "don't look down."

You looked into his eyes.

"Can i ask you something?"

"Anything." he answered

"Why me?" you asked

He cocked his head sideways, "i'm not sure i follow you, love."

"at the concert. What made you want to ask me for my number? Why me?" you repeated

"(Y/N) i know i'm not the only one who thinks that it wasn't a coincidence that you were picked to play the game. And the 'accidentally' fall on top of me." he put air quotes around "accidentally".

You playfully punched his arm, "it was an accident!"

He laughed, "i knew, as soon as i looked into your big beautiful eyes, that this wasn't by chance. And i had to see if i was right. So, i had to ask you. I couldn't just let you walk off stage and never see you again! And i'm so glad i did, (Y/N), because i love the feeling i get when i'm around you."

He stared into your eyes.

He leaned in, and softly kissed your lips.

His touch was smooth, and when his lips touched yours, it sent a shock tingling down your spine.

He pulled away, "i hope that was a good enough explanation, or do you want me to keep going?"

This Can't be Real(UNDERMAJOREDITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant