Chapter 19

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You were Niall's girlfriend. And the thought of it made your heart feel like it was going to jump out of your chest.

It was half past 9 when you left the restaurant.

The movie theater wasn't that far from where you were, so you decided to walk. Cherishing every minute you had with your boyfriend.

Since you didn't know when you would see him again after tonight.

The street lights glowed, lighting up the sidewalk.

Cars drove by, honking every so often.

When you finally reached the cinema; Niall let you choose the movie. Of course you chose Safe Haven. The movie every couple went to see on Valentine's Day. Except you.

Niall definitely made up for that, though.

You sat in the back of the theater.

It was hard for you to focus on the movie, because during every romantic scene Niall would sneak a kiss.

So, you found yourself anxious for those parts.

When the movie ended, you and Niall took the last drive to your house.

You stood, hand in hand with the guy of your dreams, on your front porch.

You sighed, "I guess this is it for awhile, huh?"

You looked down at your feet, knowing if you looked at Niall, you'd start crying.

He pulled your shoulders towards him, wrapping his arms around your neck, "it won't be that long, love."

you enclosed your arms around his back, taking a fist full of his shirt in your hand, digging your face in his chest. "i know." you whispered.

Niall lightly placed both of his hands on your cheeks, making you look at him.

He used his thumbs to wipe away your now forming tears, "i'll be back. i promise." he said, not leaving your gaze.

He kissed your lips, "I don't want to see my princess cry, she's too beautiful for that."

You laid your head back on his chest.

You stood there for 10 minutes, not saying anything, not wanting to break away from his touch.


The cab driver honked the horn, warning Niall he was going to leave, "i have to go babe, no more crying." he pushed your loose hair behind you ear, and kissed your forehead.

"i'll see you soon." he promised.

He walked down the stairs, and across the lawn, getting into the cab.

within seconds, he was completely out of sight.

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