Day 2

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"Person B is reeaaaaaally tired, but person A is super, super energetic and loud. Trying to get Person A to shut up, Person B kisses Person A."

By the time my plane lands, I'm drained from both the five-hour flight and the time difference from California to my Pennsylvanian home.

Seeing Prim was amazing and refreshing, as always, but the feeling of being so exhausted has me wondering grumpily, not for the first time, why in the hell she decided to move so far out west.

I shoot a quick text to Peeta- "Just landed"- and tug the strap of my carry-on farther up my shoulder. Then I follow the signs to baggage claim, waiting impatiently for my run-of-the-mill gray suitcase to roll around. Once I spot it, I heave it off of the conveyor belt and roll it towards the doors.

When I feel the telltale vibration, I check my phone for Peeta's message and see it lighting up: "In the car towards the back of the line- sorry. Can't wait to see you!"

I smile at the sentiment and continue on, fueled by my excitement to see my boyfriend again. The doors to the airport slide open and I walk through them, the cool air a much-needed relief from the the stifling Californian heat to which I've become accustomed.

I practically run down the sidewalk, dodging families reunited and people waiting for shuttle buses. When I reach his car, I knock on the window and Peeta looks up from his phone. His beautiful face splits into a bright smile, and he flings the door open and circles the car to greet me. I readily accept his crushing embrace; you would think I've been gone for months. In reality, it's only been a week, but Peeta is exactly like a puppy in that aspect.

"God, I've missed you," he breathes into my hair, and the smile I'm sporting begins to hurt my face.

"I've missed you, too," I reply.

Peeta finally pulls back from me but holds me at arm's length. His eyes roam my body, drinking me in, relearning me.

He smiles at me. "I almost forgot how beautiful you are."

A blush overtakes my cheeks and my eyes dart away from his. I never could take a compliment.

Peeta laughs at my reaction. "I also almost forgot that you hate compliments. Come on, let's go home."

Now that the exhilaration of finally seeing Peeta has worn off, the sleepiness kicks back in, and I slump into the car seat. All I want now is to go to sleep in my own bed.

That's when Peeta starts talking.

At first it's just to ask how my trip was: if I had fun with Prim, if the flight was bearable, if there were any crying babies on board. Once I give him a few vague answers, he moves on to his own life, what happened while I was gone.

Peeta literally spares no detail. I hear about every breath, every word, every interaction he had in the time I was in California.

He talks the entire hour-drive home. I glare at him from the passenger seat.

"Peeta," I groan once.

"What? Oh, hey, Finnick and Annie invited us to dinner sometime next week. Nothing big or fancy, they just want..."

"Peeta," I try again.

"What is it? Wait, I forgot to tell you! How could I have forgotten to tell you? Delly said the baby finally kicked! She thinks it's a girl, but Thom says..."

I try, and fail, at least four times to get him to shut up, but he barely acknowledges that I've even spoken before surging on to a new topic. When we finally pull up to our building, I practically fly out of the car before snatching up my luggage and storming up the stairs to our apartment. Then I remember I don't have the keys.

I wait impatiently for Peeta to amble up the stairs and slide the key into the lock.

"Man, what was that?" he laughs. "You, like, flew up those steps."

But I don't answer him, just push the door open before trudging to our bedroom, dropping my things unceremoniously to the floor, and flopping onto the mattress. I sigh in relief before Peeta joins me on the bed.

"Oh, so Johanna called, I don't know if I told you that. She said- oh wait, I did tell you this, that's right, I totally-"

He sputters for a few moments before registering that my lips are on his, and then he gives in to the kiss. I don't allow him to get too into it before I pull away.

"Peeta, I love you so much, but please shut the fuck up."

He smiles at me a little. "Man, you look tired as fuck."

"I am," I reply, before stripping down to my bra and underwear. "Now, I'm going to sleep, so be quiet."

He just chuckles a little, then kisses my forehead and clicks off the light. "I love you."

"I love you too," I sigh.

When he settles into bed, I murmur, "Remind me never to leave you again."

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