Chapter 5: Grandma Megs

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~The Next Day~

We've finally arrived at Peetas grandmothers house, it's a house in the woods, hopefully she can help, I hope she can help Emilia get healthy again and hopefully make it go completely away.

We get out, Abby asleep on my chest, Peeta carries Emilia, she's insanely thin and SUPER light, Xander hops out and we walk up to the porch and I knock on the door and soon an old lady opens

"Hey grandma" Peeta says

"Peeta my boy" she says smiling

"Come in" she says and I take Xanders hand using my other to hold Abby, we sit on the couch

"So what brings you here?" She asks pouring tea

"We came here to ask you something" I ask and she looks at us

"Go on" she says setting out the cups

"Well you see our tribe is in danger, we were wondering if you could keep our kids safe" I say and she looks at us and smiles

"And one more thing" Peeta says and she looks to him "we were wondering, seeing as your a healer and all, if you could maybe cure Emilia" Peeta continues

"Follow me" she says and we follow her upstairs

"Lay her down" she says and Peeta lays her sleeping body on the bed, she waves her hands above Emilia with her eyes closed and sighs in relief

"Luckily, I can cure it" she says and I smile at Peeta and kiss him

"It'll take awhile about a few weeks but it's curable" she says and I smile

Peeta and I walk downstairs while his grandma stays upstairs with the kids

"Let's go" I say going to walk out but I'm blocked by Peeta

"Peeta?" I say

"I-I don't want you to come, it's too dangerous" he says and I look at him

"I'm coming Peeta" I say firmly and he kisses my lips lovingly and roughly

"I love you" he whispers and runs out speeding away in his car and I just stand there shocked

"Mama, were did papa go?" Xander says and I sigh

"He's gone to fight, without me" I say and he looks up at me

"But you and papa always fight together" he says and I sigh, that's true but I know Peeta is just trying to protect us

"I know but some battles we gotta fight on our own" I say

"He'll be okay, I know it" he says and I smile and ruffle his hair

"I know bud, come on let's go check on your sister" I say and he nods and shuts the door.

Peeta POV Back At The Tribe

I stand in the planing room with all fifty of my soldiers

"Alpha their near, just received a link from one of the guards" my new beta Cato says and I sigh

"Are the people safe?" I say

"Safe under ground" Cato says and I nod

"You all ready?" I ask and they all nod

"Well then, let's fight"

I'm gonna end the chapter here cause I'm mean😈😈😈😈😈

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