*Chpt 10-BaekJi

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The television was on but it seemed like Eunji didn't watch it but thinking about something else.She was daydreaming when someone suddenly turned it off

Eunji-Hey!I'm watching okay

She yelled at Bomi

Bomi-Ouh really?You're the one who watched the tv?I thought the tv watched you just now.Sorry

She said sarcastically.Eunji pouted her mouth

Bomi-Aikhh look at that.Aigoo.Do you have problem?
Bomi-Are you sick?
Bomi-You look gloomy
Eunji-Because I was heart sick!
Bomi-I know Eunji

Bomi patted Eunji's back when she started to cry

Bomi-I always know what's inside you.No need to tell,I already understand you

Eunji hugged Bomi and cried on her shoulder.Bomi stroked her head,comrforting her

Bomi-Just let everything go.No one is here except me

Eunji-I've lost my strength Bomi
Bomi-Shh...I am here.Apink is here.We will always.No matter what happen.Eunji,you are the strongest among us.You don't cry so easily.And why are you being like this?
Eunji-I don't know either.But the way Taeyeon scolded me before made me feel bad
Bomi-Everyone must feel the same.But look at the maknae,she didn't cry.Maybe she used to for once or twice.But now,she continue her life like normal.Maybe you feel bad because it's your first time.And he treat you in a good way during your stay together.But your tears can't change anything

Eunji nodded her head weakly.Her eyes were swollen because she cried too much

Bomi-Get some rest okay?
Eunji-Okay.I wanna sleep a while

Eunji smiled and went to her bedroom

Tomorrow morning

Eunji set herself ready for the photoshoot.She stared on herself in the mirror

Eunji-Fuuh.Everythings gonna be okay

"Eunji unnie!The car is waiting for you!"

Eunji heard Namjoo's voice yelling out her name

Eunji-Okay I'm done here

With that,Eunji took her slingbag and hangged it on her shoulder

"Bye Eunji"
Eunji-*smiled* Bye

Eunji replied to Chorong

Her hands were sweaty as the elevator opened.From her spot,she could see a black MPV car was waiting for her at the entrance

Eunji-It's not our car

She arranged her steps towards the car.The window suddenly gapped open

"Hi Eunji!" Exo's manager,Gongchul oppa greeted her
Gongchul-Your manager is not around for today because of family matter.So I will give you a ride.Come on

Eunji stuttered.As the door slided opened,Eunji could see a guy was sitting on the seat,staring on his phone

Eunji slightly breath out before she hopped on

Eunji-Thanks for giving me a ride

Said Eunji,catching Baekhyun's attention

Baekhyun-She's coming with us?

He asked,unplugging his earphones

Gongchul-Yes Baekhyun
Baekhyun-Arr.Okay then

He replied,feeling awkward before putting back his earphones on

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