Chpt 33-Warning! or Warming?

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Jiyoung logged in his instagram account


- It's hot today!Don't forget to bring umbrella when you are out.Have your drink along.Cheers! -

Without realizing,a small smile escaped from his mouth


He screen shot the picture and went to sleep


"Good morning Jiyoung sajangnim"
Jiyoung-Good morning*smiled

Jiyoung pushed the door and went into his office.Almost two hours he spent his time completing all the files on his table

He dialed for his PA

Jiyoung-Morning Soohyun
Soohyun-(Ne sajangnim?)
Jiyoung-Can you come to my room now?Okay I'll be waiting

10 minutes later

Knock! Knock!

Soohyun-I'm sorry sajangnim
Jiyoung-It's okay.Come and sit down

Soohyun sat in front of Jiyoung

Jiyoung-So today our artists are having SM Town concert,am I right?
Soohyun-Ne sajangnim.Everyone involved except for Red Velvet,NCTU and Exo M Kris
Jiyoung-*nodding* Okay.Please inform me about the progress.And please,very very please,tell all the band managers to report any problem that happen during the concert immedietly.They can tell the head of department or straight forward to me
Soohyun-I understand sajangnim.Anything else?
Jiyoung-Hmmm.Nope!You may leave

Soohyun bowed her head before walked out,leaving the CEO's room


Jiyoung came back to office after lunch


Soohyun voice just like aa thunder!She rushed toward Jiyoung

Jiyoung-Eo?What's wrong?
Soohyun-*panted* Gong..manager Gongchul gave me a call just now
Soohyun-Taeyeon is making mess!
Jiyoung-Her again?
Soohyun-I think you must look at this

Jiyoung followed Soohyun to her table.On her computer,there was an article from


Jiyoung-They kiss?!
Soohyun-I don't think so.Refer to their manager,this is trap
Jiyoung-*sighed* She was such a mess.And what happen to the concert?
Soohyun-They almost end
Jiyoung-I want to see Taeyeon right on today
Soohyun-Ne Jiyoung sajangnim


"Are you crazy?!"

Jiyoung scolded

Jiyoung-I don't know what is in your mind.But!This is wrong
Taeyeon-I know what am I doing
Jiyoung-Do you know who are you talking to.You can make everyone bow at you but NOT ME!
Taeyeon-You are not in my shoe
Jiyoung-Okay listen Kim Taeyeon.I don't care and don't want to care about your feelings,about who you like and what so ever.So please stop dragging your career and my company into your problem.Like you did before
Taeyeon-You are talking nonsense

Jiyoung-No I mean my words.I have the proof about every single thing of yours.You know what?If not because of me,you had been kicked out from this company since long time ago

Taeyeon gulped.He knows?!

Jiyoung-So I'm giving you the very last warning.Stop all your plans or I will make sure you will lose your career
Taeyeon-You can't do that!
Jiyoung-This is MY COMPANY.Of course I can

Taeyeon stood straight up and stormed out from Jiyoung's room.Tears started filling her eyes

She went to the rooftop.She cried and cried non stop

Taeyeon-Is it so wrong to love someone?I just love Baekhyun and that's all!

She shouted


She screamed,messing up her hair.She hugged her knees and continued crying


Taeyeon was at the rooftop for hours.She didn't feel like going home.She looked up for the stars on the dark-blue sky

"Here you are"

She turned toward the owner.Jiyoung?!

Jiyoung-Where are you going?
Jiyoung-Can we talk for a while?
Taeyeon-What for?I have nothing to say to you
Jiyoung-But I do

Taeyeon grew silence.Didn't know how to react

Jiyoung-It's not wrong to love someone.But one-sided love is hurting

Taeyeon bursted again

Taeyeon-But he said he loves me too
Jiyoung-He just a human being.Our feelings do change

Suddenly Jiyoung felt something heavy leant on his shoulder.Taeyeon was burying her face on it,crying.Jiyoung gently stroked her head

It's so warming

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