Newt imagine: 1

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Newt stared at the floor infront of me, an emptiness present in his warm, brown eyes. i never knew this day would come, in an empty waiting room, waiting for test results that determine life or death. My parents both died from this horror of a disease. We call it the Flare. The Flare is a man-made sickness that escaped quarantine during the killer sun Flares, Thus, giving it it's name. The Flare slowly eats at your brain, turning people heartless, sinister, savage-like. First, you get weird, crazy thoughts of murder and an urge to break things. Then, you get very emotional, easily becoming sad, angry, frustrated, confused. And last of all you lose your humanity, your compassion, killing just about everything that has a heartbeat. This last stage we call the Gone because everything is helpless, the cure will not work for you, you are gone. This happened to my mother. When I was only ten she tried to strangle me, I can still remember her hands grasping around my neck like a noose. The thought of this makes my hands rise to my neck, checking that her hands were not there. "What's wrong?" Newt said, concern crossing his face.

"Nothing," I whispered, "I miss my mum."
 I felt a tear slip down my cheek and crash into my lap. I've lost everything, but if I loose my Newt too, I don't know what I'm gonna do. "hey," Newt said, walking over.
I stood up and hugged him tightly, his slim body fitting nicely into my arms." It's gonna be okay."
"I don't want to loose you, your'e my best friend." I whimper.
Newt hugged me tighter, burying his face into my shoulder. His hugs always make me feel better. I don't know what it is about Newt, but he is good at calming people down with wise words and hugs. Newt pulled away, holding my shoulders, looking me in the eye, "Look, no matter what happens, if I die or live, you still have Thomas and just remember that you don't have to worry about the Flare, your'e immune." With that he sat next to me, holding my had to stop anxiety flowing through my mind. 

Within half an hour, a bald man with a white coat and a medical mask draped across his wrinkled face paced into the small waiting room, "Newt, may I see you in private please?"

Newt stood up and gave me a reassuring look and walked across to the man. Panic burst into my chest like a volcano as soon as Newt was out of sight. I got out of my chair and walked to the wall with no chairs against it and lowered myself to the floor. I have no idea why I do this, personally I think chairs are uncomfortable ad would rather sit on the floor. For about five minutes I played with my square fingernails, wondering why they are always pristene even when i do't touch them for weeks.
I was in the middle of braiding my hair when Newt returned. I let my braid fall out as he stood infront of me, "What are you doing down here?" he said with a calming smile.
"I...I panicked and chairs are uncomfortable." I hesitated.
"Come on, then," Newt held out his hand and I gladly took it, "lets go to the park!"
"What about the result?" It itched away at my conscience, every second I didn't know, the more I worried.
"I'll tell you when we get there." He teased.

And with that, we walked out of the small waiting room and out of the white, sanitised hospital. It took Newt and I roughly fifteen minutes to walk to the peaceful park. We found a children's playground and sat side by side on the swings.

This is my first fanfiction on here and i hope you like it :) sorry about grammar or occasionally misspelt words ( no one's perfect) please leave suggestions of what you would like to happen. I may do short one page stories for my followers, leave your name ad plot in the comments and I will write a Maze Runner fanfiction for you. ENJOY :)

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