Dare #23

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((Le Admin: It's so dark in my room. Holy sheet. Haha sheets.. Damn I'm so mature))

Guess who it is? :33

*Jeopardy Music In The Background*

It's your favorite kidney cannibal, of course! *Takes off mask and shows a sharp toothy smile* I'm back guys, thanks to the Admin.

Unknown(YUS!): *Is asleep in a kitchen chair* Mmm... *Snores*

Masky: *Curiously looks at Unknown and pokes her* I think she's dead.

If she's dead then how is she breathing? *Shakes head* Lets see what you guys left for me!

Eyeless Jack I dare u to throw BEN in a pool and blame it on Jeff.

This is going to be amazing. BEN is going to scream so loudly. Let's do this! *Goes into the living room and extends arms* Guess who's home!

BEN: Nobody cares *Continues playing Mario Kart*

Well someone is on their man period.

BEN: *Turns around* What is up with you and periods?

I don't know actually. I think I should shut up. But before I do, come with me Benny Boo.

BEN: Please don't call me that.

Aww but why not? It's a nice nickname.

BEN: It sounds like you're talking to a baby. I don't want to be known as Benny Boo for the rest of my life.

But you are a baby. You're only like what, 10?

BEN: *Eyes glow red* I'm 15 dimwit! I just turned 15 in June!

Oh yeah. Umm happy birthday? ohh wait, I've got a birthday present for you. *Grabs BEN's arm* Were going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!

BEN: Oh lord Zalgo please help me

*After finally convincing BEN that we're going to IHop for his birthday*

We're here. *Uncovers eyes*

BEN: *Looks around and finally stops at the pond* Wh-what's that? It better not b-be what I think it is.

You love water if I do remember correctly. So why don't you just... *Pushes BEN in* 

BEN: *Screams like a girl and thrashes around* GET ME OUT OF HERE! HELP!!

Woah.. I didn't think he would react like this. Maybe I should help him. Or I could just record this! *Takes out a camera that I borrowed from Hoodie* Haha this is going on YouTube!


And you swallow. OHHHHHH!!! *Airshots being fired* 

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